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Envy Mass Market

Page 133

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“Words to that effect.”



“He said my dialogue was crisp and well paced, but my plot is predictable and needs punch.” He looked over at Todd. “Maybe we should collaborate.”

“Shit, no. No sharing. I’ve put in a two-year apprenticeship without any remuneration.”

“You sold a short story,” Roark reminded him.

“One lousy short story to a local magazine for twenty-five bucks. It’ll be read in the crapper if at all.” He pitched a seashell back into the surf. “I’m living in an apartment where the roaches are carnivorous and the tenants downstairs are armed and dangerous.”

“But you can’t beat the view. You can, however, beat your meat while taking in the view.”

“There is that,” Todd replied solemnly. “I’ve never jerked off so much in my life.”

“The palm of your hand isn’t sprouting hair, is it?”

“Here’s to nude sunbathing among exotic dancers.”

He raised the bottle in salute, but Roark took it from him and helped himself to another swallow.

“I’m broke all the friggin’ time,” Todd continued morosely. “My car’s got over a hundred and sixty thousand miles on it.”

“Meanwhile, you’re parking Porsches and BMWs.”

“A job you could train a chimpanzee to do.”

“A chimp is cuter. Would probably get better tips.”

Todd glared at Roark. “Are you gonna let me finish this or what?”

“Sorry. Didn’t mean to interrupt your pity party.” Roark passed the bottle back to him. “Have another drink.”

“Thank you.” Todd drank and belched a loud, gurgling burp. “When all this hardship pays off, I want the glory to go to me, myself, and I. No offense.”

“None taken. I don’t want to collaborate with you, either. I was joking.”

“Oh.” Todd flopped down onto his back in the sand. “So what did Hadley really say in his notes to you?”

“I told you.”

“Was it the truth?”

“Why would I lie?”

“To make me feel better.”

Roark snorted. “I’m not that charitable.”

“Right, right, you’re a son of a bitch. So maybe you would lie for another reason.”

Roark sat up. “Something on your mind, Todd? If so, why don’t you just say it?”

“You always downplay Hadley’s critiques.”

“I’m not gonna wear a hair shirt over one man’s opinion, which is all his critiques are. I don’t let myself get depressed over them the way you do.”

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