Priceless - Page 16

“Why don’t you finish showing me around?” I suggest to her in order to redirect our entire conversation. “It will help me in making the necklace for you, Mrs. Bennington.” I just won’t talk about this marriage nonsense anymore and maybe they’ll all forget. I’ll get what I need to make the necklace and be done. Then I won’t have to face Mrs. Bennington again and tell her no again.

“No reason to be so formal, Maple. You can call me Mom.” I don’t even need to look in Major’s direction to know he has a stupid smile on his face. The man wins at everything! I glance over at him anyway to give him the meanest facial expression that I’ve ever given to another human. How the hell am I supposed to create under these crazy conditions? Mrs. Bennington breaks our stare off as she pushes herself past us. I follow, not wanting to be rude—and I really do want to see more of this breathtaking home. It is extraordinary and I can feel the life pulsing through it.

The next hour is filled with us going about the house as Mrs. Bennington asks me peculiar questions about my likes and dislikes. Everything from my favorite color, dress size and if I have any food allergies. Somehow the roles have been reversed here. I’m supposed to be gathering the information, yet I feel as though I’m the one that’s under observation. This is the quietest I’ve ever seen Major. It’s as if he’s hanging on my every response and taking mental notes of my replies.

It doesn’t take me long to realize what they are doing. I should put up a fight, tell them there is no wedding, but I have a feeling that is not a battle I’m going to win. Not today at least. They will notice when I don’t show up to said wedding that there isn’t going to be one.

“Isn’t this perfect for a wedding?” Mrs. Bennington motions with her hand to the backyard. It’s fall and in the distance the rolling hills of trees are beautifully colored.

“Yes,” I answer honestly. Darn it! Major, who has been at my side the whole time, wraps his arm around my shoulder. I want to push it off but Mrs. Bennington is looking at us now. Instead I lean into his warm hold on me.

Mrs. Bennington does an excited clap. “This is so wonderful.” She reaches for me. I go to her, giving her a hug. She hugs me tight. It’s so sweet and motherly that my eyes sting with tears because I haven’t been hugged like this since before I lost my mom. I can’t help but hug her back with the same loving tightness.

“Mrs. Bennington. Ma’am. It’s time for your medications and afternoon nap.”

I pull back from the hug.

She lets out a huff. “Fine. I probably should rest. I’m going to need it. There is so much to do.” She beams up at me. I give her a smile because I can’t say no to the look on her face. I don’t have the heart to do it. “I will call you later?”

“Yes, ma,am.”

“Mom,” she corrects as Jon comes around to grab her wheelchair and push her off. I stand there watching them go, waiting for her to be out of earshot and back into the house. I turn to Major, about to go off but I see the look on his face as he watches his mom go. It’s soft and sweet but there is a sadness to it. I close my mouth as he turns to look at me.

“Thank you.” He reaches out, grabbing my arm and pulling me into his big, warm body. My hands go to his chest. “I haven’t seen her that happy since my father tried to break her.” I melt into him. The arrogant man I’m used to has disappeared for right now. Even if they think they both played me a little bit. It is actually adorable. Crazy, but adorable. Damn it.

“We can’t really get married to make your mom happy, Major,” I tell him. My fingers dig into his suit. The same one his mom and I agreed was ugly. It really isn’t but we’d given him a hard time about it. He looks good in everything he wears. I knew that the first day I laid eyes on him in that ridiculous sweater.

“Sure we can.” He leans down. My heart starts to race. “I could marry you right here. Like you said, it’s perfect.”

His warm breath tingles across my mouth. I lick my lips, my tongue grazing his mouth. “It’s really perfect. We’ll share our first kiss in the same place you’ll vow to be mine,” he says before his mouth comes down on to mine. I should push him away. I should call him crazy but instead I kiss him back, telling myself I’ll make the necklace and be done. As Major deepens the kiss I let out a small moan, knowing he’ll never be done until he gets what he wants. I guess the saying is right. You are the company you keep. Maybe I’m a little crazy too.

Tags: Ella Goode Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024