Priceless - Page 29



4 years later

“Is the husband across the street?” I ask Trudy as she sips a cup of coffee. I’m in my actual store for once. I am terrible about coming here lately. I don’t need to be here. Major had an almost perfect replica of my workspace built for me at home.

“Yep.” She takes another sip of her coffee. “Did you know he owns that coffee shop?”

I look up at her. “You find this shocking?” I ask. I didn’t know he owned it but it does not shock me in the least that he does. I bet he bought it when he started pursuing me all those years ago. I’m not sure pursuing is the right word. He basically steamrolled me but it looks as though the coffee shop is paying off for him. He has a perfect spot to stalk me from since I told him he couldn’t come to work with me today. We’d dropped Jewel off at her first day of pre-school and well, I am trying to make my husband a surprise, but he isn’t making it easy on me.

The first time I’d gotten knocked up he’d realized it before me. I was so sure that I had the flu. After throwing up my breakfast one morning, he’d helped clean me up and put me back in bed. All the while telling me that he was going to call the doctor. I didn’t think I needed a doctor for the flu. A few hours of rest and I’d sleep it off. Then he’d leaned down and kissed my stomach telling our baby girl ‘Don’t be so hard on your mommy. Jon spent all morning making her breakfast,’ before turning and leaving me shocked in bed. This time I am going to get him. He won’t even see it coming. I pick up my coffee taking a sip.

“This tastes funny.” Trudy shrugs but keeps sipping her own drink. “If this is what they are serving at the coffee shop how has it stayed open for so long?” I sniff the drink. Oh, that’s right, it’s because my husband is keeping the place so he can stalk me from it if he needs to. That’s the only way it’s staying in business, serving coffee that tastes as bad as this. I bet he doesn’t even care if it turns a profit or not. Maybe it is the pregnancy that’s making things taste different. “Let me taste yours.” I hold out my hand. She doesn’t look like she wants to give me her coffee but she does. We both take ours the same way. “Wait a second. Why does yours taste fine?”

“I think you got some weird herbal tea or something.” She gives an apologetic shrug.

“Why would you get me that?” I toss the whole thing in the trash. I give Trudy a confused look. ”I thought we were friends. Friends don’t let friends drink gross things.”

“I didn’t. When I went to order, your husband, who I learned owns the place, changed your order. Something about this being better for you.”

My head drops. “He knows,” I whisper. I slap my hand down. Damn that man. He is always five million steps ahead of me. It would be annoying if it wasn’t so helpful. He gets it from his mom. She is good at that too. Those two could be thick as thieves at times. Julia is the only one who is ever on my side. She was happy to finally have someone on her side now. I’m not sure where little Jewel is going to fall. She has a lot of her father in her.

“Knows what?” I look up to see Gavin standing there. He must have slipped in. As always he’s in a suit, only now he has a wedding ring on his finger. One I’d gotten the pleasure of making. He drops his briefcase down onto one of my work tables.

“I’m working,” I snip at him. Okay, I’m not exactly working. I am still trying to think of a cool way to tell Major I am pregnant. I was going to make something but now that’s a bust. One of these days I’m going to surprise him.

“Oh. You’re pregnant.”

My mouth falls open. “What! Who told you that?” I stand from my chair.

“Your attitude,” Gavin huffs with a laugh. It’s not funny.

“She is more sassy when she’s pregnant. Good catch.” Trudy gives Gavin an impressed nod.

“I’m not sassy,” I defend. “I’m sweet and loving.” A little kinky but I leave that part out. Only Major gets to see that side of me. Okay, sometimes others get an eyeful by accident. I have a problem with keeping my hands off my man. Who can blame me?

“Yeah, but when you got some of that Bennington in you.” My cheeks warm. I know Gavin is talking about a baby in me but maybe he is right. I do get a little more sassy when Major is inside me too. Hmm. He really is onto something here. Gavin pulls me into a hug. “I am supposed to wait and tell you with Levi but the surrogate is pregnant.” I let out a scream of excitement.

Tags: Ella Goode Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024