Lorenzo Beretta (Unseen Underground 1) - Page 42

“He’s undercover.” His gaze met mine, not a single doubt displayed. “He was too fidgety. And he was recording us.”

My lips quirked on one side, just enough to show him I knew it too. “Good.” I stood, glancing down at my watch. “I’m taking Aida to the new bar.” I turned to face Mateo. “Let’s go.”

No one said a word as Mateo and I left the building we’d used for this meeting. In fact, no one had said anything about the fact there was no tension between Aida and me—there hadn’t been for five days, not since we took Vida home together. They knew better than to comment on my private life.

Mateo opened the back door for me, and I slipped into the SUV. I couldn’t deny that I missed driving my sports cars, but I knew when I was driving, I wasn’t protected, not in the way I needed to be. And there was no way in hell that I’d put Aida at risk by taking her in one, not when I could feel something brewing. Call it instinct, call it a gut feeling, but the tide was turning, promising a dark storm coming my way.

I was stuck inside my own head, trying to make sense of everything and analyzing every movement the suspected undercover agent had made. I’d watched him closely, but that didn’t mean I caught everything he did.

“Did you record the meeting?” I asked Mateo as we pulled up outside the college.

“I did.” He pulled his cell out. “Want me to send it to you?”

“Yeah. On the encrypted cell.”

A couple of seconds went by, and then he announced, “Done.”

I nodded, not saying another word as I turned to face the college, spotting Aida pushing through the doors. She kept her head down, her focus on something in her hands. She looked like every other student on campus wearing jeans and a T-shirt, but there was something else about her. It was the way she carried herself. The way she’d push her hair behind her ear, the way she smiled at strangers walking by.

My hand reached for the handle just as she halted in the middle of the pathway. I frowned, wondering why she’d stopped, then ground my teeth together as I saw the guy she’d kissed walk closer to her.

“Boss?” Mateo asked, but I didn’t respond to him. All I could think about was the way he’d looked at her, the way he’d touched her, and I knew if he laid his hands on her just one more time, I’d not only chop them off, but I’d put a bullet in his head to boot. Maybe it was extreme, but when it came to Aida, I was irrational—I knew that, which was why I told myself to stay in the SUV and wait.

Aida said something to him, her gaze flicking to the SUV. I narrowed my eyes as she put her hand behind her back and held three fingers up. “What is she doing?”

I didn’t expect Mateo to answer, so when he said, “She’s giving a signal,” I pulled on the door handle. I had no idea what the signal meant, but she wouldn’t have done it if she didn’t need help.

I cracked my neck from side to side as I got out of the SUV, and without thinking, I headed straight toward her, my attention on the college asshole who thought he could touch what was mine. I was two feet away when Aida turned to look at me. Her eyes widened, flicking behind me where I had no doubt Mateo was waiting at the SUV.

“Lorenzo?” Her voice was small, the shock evident, but so was the relief. “What are you doing here?” She sidestepped the college guy and moved toward me, her hand going straight to my chest.

“I thought I’d come pick you up,” I said, staring down at her but hyperaware of our surroundings. “It’s not a crime to pick my wife up, is it?”

“Wife?” the asshole asked. “You’re his wife?”

I wrapped my arm around Aida’s waist, bringing her close to me, then turned to face him. “She is.” I held my hand out to him. “Name’s Lorenzo.” He took my hand, frowning as he did. “Lorenzo Beretta.”

“B-b-beretta?” he stammered, his face paling. I didn’t let go of his hand, squeezing it just enough for him to know that what he was thinking was true. My name preceded me, even with college assholes who came here from out of town.

“That’s me.” I smiled at him, the kind of smile that said, if you touch what’s mine again, I will end you. His eyes flashed, understanding the silent warning I was giving him, and then I let go, turning back to Aida and pretending like he wasn’t there any longer. “Let’s go. I have something to show you.”

“You do?” she asked, her light-brown eyes focusing on me. She lifted up onto her tiptoes, and I instinctively bent at my knees to meet her halfway. Our lips connected for the briefest of moments, but that was all I needed to know that it wasn’t the college asshat she wanted. No, it was me.

“I do,” I said, grinning down at her. “Come on.”

I didn’t take my arm from around her waist as I maneuvered us toward the SUV. Mateo stood at the open door, his eyes narrowed on something behind us. “He’s watching you,” he ground out.

Aida went to turn around, but I stopped her. “Don’t.” I snapped my attention down at her. “Ignore him.”

“But…” She bit down on her bottom lip.

“But what?” I tilted my head toward the SUV as she stayed silent. “Get in. I really do have something to show you.”

She rolled her eyes. “Fine.”

I gritted my teeth at her move, still getting used to her defiance, but I couldn’t deny that I enjoyed it. I liked the fact that she wasn’t willing to take my shit, but it made me want to piss her off all the more.

I slid in beside her, turning back to face the pathway at the last second and lifting two fingers in a salute at the college asshole. He may have thought he knew who he was messing with, but he had no idea the lengths I would go to. And if I were honest, neither did I. This was all new territory for me with Aida, but I knew I would kill for her without blinking an eye.

Tags: Abigail Davies Unseen Underground Dark
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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