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Exposed (MAC Security 2)

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I needed to keep that in the front of my mind. Whatever was going on in my life, there were still girls out there who had been taken and we didn’t have a clue where they were or who had taken them.

“Now, we need to sort a meeting out. All of us, gather all the information that we’ve all got and go over it all together. We need to find them.”

“Thursday,” I murmured. “Compound at nine.”

“See you then.” He nodded.

I pushed up out of the chair and pulled the door open, walking through the precinct and handing the homeless man a couple of bucks before I left.

I had to sort this with Kay and then I could focus on the case.

Me and Kitty spoke for a couple of hours before she had to get back to the warehouse. She apologized over and over again for not telling me, breaking some kind of girl code, she kept saying.

I understood, for how upset and angry that I had been, I really did understand why she hadn’t told me. It wasn’t her place; it was none of their places.

If someone had told Ty about my past I wouldn’t have liked it, so I was sure that he wouldn’t have either.

It wasn’t that I was jealous. Well…Okay, maybe I was a little jealous. She had him in a way that I never would and that was harder to swallow than I liked to admit.

The fact that they thought it was only Daley that was behind it really annoyed me. Don’t get me wrong, it was totally possible that it was him. But to just push aside the possibility that it could be her as well? That wasn’t what we should be doing, we should be looking at all avenues and making a decision that was based on facts, not on personal feelings.

My head was spinning and when Kitty went back to the warehouse, I went out to the porch swing. I loved coming out here, the air that swept through the trees calmed me, but at the same time, I felt safe sitting out here while still being in the middle of the compound.

I sat on the swing for over half an hour before I heard the whirl of the compound gates opening. Seeing Ty’s truck pull up outside the warehouse had butterflies swarming in my stomach. He stepped out of his truck, his eyes finding mine immediately. I smiled, letting him know that I was good.

His face was taken over by the smile that he returned as he sauntered toward me. His jeans pulling at all the right places on his legs and his arms straining in the sleeves of his t-shirt. I was fascinated with watching him walk, it was such a small thing and something that I never thought I would find mesmerizing. But I did.

“We need to talk,” he said as he walked up the steps. Nodding, I moved over on the swing, making space for him.

“Yeah, we do.”

“Look, I know that it ain’t easy.” He pulled his hat off his head and leaned forward, his arms resting on his legs. “But we need to find those girls.”

“We do.” I nodded and placed I my hand on his back. “It’s just that we need to explore all possibilities. We don’t know what’s going on, and I know that she’s your wife-”

“She’s not my wife,” he growled and turned to me.

“Okay.” I swallowed, my hand rubbing his back unconsciously. “But-”

“No, Kay.” He sat up and turned, his hand coming up to cup my face. “Whatever happens, know that I’m on your side. I will always be on your side. You’re it for me, sweetheart.”

I swallowed at the intense look in his eyes. “Always?”

“Yeah, always,” he whispered, his eyes dipping to my lips.

“Let’s just find those girls,” I said, my chest rising and falling harder as he stared at me.

“Yeah.” His eyes flared and I tracked his tongue as it came out to lick his lips. We both moved closer and met half way.

Moaning when his lips met mine, my hand fluttered up to his arm, clutching at his bicep. He was soft at first, testing, teasing. His hands moved down to my butt, deepening the kiss as he pulled me onto his lap, his erection digging into my hip.

I did that, I made him feel like this. There was no feeling in the world like that, knowing that you were wanted.

Sparks flew as his tongue met mine, he gripped my butt harder as he stood, my legs wrapping around his waist automatically. I felt my skirt rising up my thighs but I didn’t care, instead I just held on tighter.

Pulling back slightly, I murmured. “We have to get Eli in an hour.”

“Then we better make use of that hour.” He smirked, pushing open the door and flipping the lock behind us.

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