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Exposed (MAC Security 2)

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I didn’t know how much time passed before Max came back out but when he did, his face was a mask of confusion and anger as he headed straight for me. I gritted my teeth and planted my feet on the floor, ready for whatever he was about to do to me.

“In you go.” He smirked. He seemed so pleased with himself, he obviously knew something that I didn’t.

Taking a small step forward, I hesitated. Was this all one big elaborate set up? What the hell was I walking into? Or the better question was, who was I walking in on?

The brute pulled the door open, giving me a small push on my back which caused me to stumble into the room. The door slammed shut behind me, I looked back at the door, then slowly spun around and took in where I was.

The door that we had come through didn’t look like a door at all from inside here. It was concealed really well, and if I hadn’t just come through it, I’d never have known that it was there.

The whole room was bathed in light and swathes of purple and gold material. A giant desk sat off to the side, opposite a leather couch. The whole room was grand, and it occurred to me then, I was about to meet the boss. The one behind all of this.

The giant double wooden doors opened and I inhaled a deep breath, preparing myself for whoever I was about to meet.

“Hello there, Miss Anderson,” she sang.

I frowned, closing my eyes and opening them again, not believing what I was seeing.

“Serena?” I gasped.

I knew it. I knew all along but then again; I couldn’t believe I was right.

She cackled as she moved closer, circling me and looking me up and down. “I don’t know what he sees in you,” she sneered, backing away and covering her nose. “Jesus, you stink.”

“That’s what happens when your left for days in your underwear with no fuckin’ toilet,” I fumed at her.

She harrumphed and walked over to her couch, sitting down and crossing her legs in one fluid, controlled movement. It didn’t go unnoticed; the extra perfume that she was wearing or how perfect her makeup was.

“So it was you all along?” I stepped forward not caring when she scrunched up her nose in disdain at me. She’s the one who made me look and smell like this so she could put up with it.

“What was me all along?” she leaned back, her eyes assessing me, she wanted to hear me say it.

“Taking those girls?”

“Hmmm, I don’t know what you mean.” She smirked.

She knew exactly what I meant. Why she was playing all coy now, I didn’t know.

“There’s only you and me here

, Serena,” I said, stretching my arms wide, not caring that my whole body ached with the movement. “What’s the matter? Can’t admit to what you’ve done? How sick in the head you are?”

“Oh.” She pushed forward, standing on her sky high pumps, not even wobbling a little. “I can admit it. I took all those girls for money. Simple as that. But you…” Walking forward she came to a stop right in front of me and leaned down into my face. “You were purely for personal reasons. I can’t have my husband running off with a piece of trash like you.”

“He’s not your husband,” I gritted out.

“Oh, honey, he is, and I’ll be making sure he comes back to me. I just need to get you and your offspring out of the way first.”

“Excuse me?”

“I got rid of one before, shouldn’t be too hard to do it again.” She smirked, taking a step back.


She snorted, her lips spreading even wider. “Ah.” She sauntered over to her desk and balanced on the edge. “He never told you.”

I counted to ten in my head, trying to keep my cool, if she was saying what I thought she was then…I couldn’t even comprehend it.

“Hmmm, interesting,” she said, looking over at the windows, not paying any attention to me. That was her first mistake. “See, when I found out I was pregnant with that…thing…I had to get rid of it. I couldn’t share Ty. I won’t share him, he’s mine.” She turned back to me but it was too late.

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