Fractured Lies (MAC Security 1) - Page 30

“No really, Ty, I can’t.” I tried to keep my walls up but when it was just me and him something always happened. I didn’t know what it was, but I found it so hard to keep those walls up.

He watched me with narrowed eyes. The secrets kept piling up. I honestly didn’t know how much longer I would be able to not say anything. I swallowed, my throat dry.

“Fine.” He huffed. “But I’m putting a tracker on your car.” I opened my mouth to protest.

“No argument.” He stood and walked away.

I sat there for several minutes. Would Max notice that there was a tracker on my car? And why did I need to have one in the first place?

“Why do I need one, Ty?” I asked as I walked into the office.

“Upcoming case,” is all he said and laid down on the couch.

He looked so tired. I’d drop it for now, but I wouldn’t let it go. I had to know what was going on.

“Why don’t you go to sleep for a while?”

“Can’t, need to work.”

I huffed, walked to the desk and sat down. “You’ll be asleep soon anyway”

When he didn’t answer, I looked over at him, his mouth hung opened slightly with soft snores sounding in the room. I rolled my eyes, a smile lifting the corner of my lips.

I picked up the file that Luke had given me and got to work.



Everyone was in and out of the warehouse for the rest of the day, I didn’t get a chance to see Ty on his own before I left. I said bye to Kitty and Evan then I left to pick Eli up. He stood waiting for me and as soon as I walked in he took my hand and dragged me to his project.

“Wow, that’s really nice, Eli.” I hadn’t got a clue what it was.

I moved my head from side to side. There was paint all over the place, the more I moved my head the more confused I was at what it was.

“You like it, mama?” he asked unsure.

I looked down at him and smiled. Bending down next to him, I pulled him in for a hug.

“It’s fantastic!”


“Yeah!” I nodded enthusiastically.

“It’s me and you.” I looked back at it, now that he said that I could kind of see it.

“It’s for your office,” he said when he pulled back and moved toward the painting.

“It’s great isn’t it,” a soft voice said from behind me, I spun around. Miss Cooper stood behind us with her hands behind her back and paint splashed up the front of her apron.

“It is.” I agreed.

She was a curvy woman with a soft blond bob and she rocked the paint that was splashed up her apron. Her kind face broke out into a dazzling smile as she spoke to Eli.

“You can take it home on Monday after it’s had time to dry.” She ruffled Eli’s hair.

“Okay,” he said, his cheeks red.

Tags: Abigail Davies MAC Security Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024