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Flying Free (MAC Security 2.50)

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“Yeah, good,” I tell him, looking to Corey for confirmation. He smiles, squeezing my hand in reassurance.

“Okay,” the doctor says, interlocking his hands and leaning on the desk. “All your results look normal.”

I breathe a sigh of relief and turn to face Corey with an uncontrollable smile on my face.

This is it now, I can move on and leave this all behind.

I move to the edge of my chair, ready to get out of this place and start the rest of my life with Corey by my side.

“There’s one more thing,” the doctor says, giving nothing away in his voice. “There is one result that came back positive.”

I turn to face him fully, gripping onto Corey’s arm like my life depended on it.

This is it, he’s given me some sort of disease. I knew things couldn’t just be plain sailing; something had to happen. What the hell am I going to do now?

What if it’s something life threatening?

“You’re pregnant.”

My world stops. I don’t breathe and I don’t move. My heart thumps loudly in my chest and I’m sure that the whole hospital can hear it.

How did this happen? More importantly...

“How far gone am I?” I ask, barely audible.

“According to your HCG levels, you’re about nine weeks along.” He smiles because he knows exactly what this means.

Closing my eyes, my body sags in relief. If it had been his...

The room is silent for several seconds before Corey whispers in a rough voice. “We’re having a baby?”

I open my eyes and turn to face him with wide eyes, the smile on my face uncontrollable. “We’re having a baby.”


bsp; Trying to keep this a secret as we go and visit Kay and Ty is a nightmare. I keep looking at Corey, seeing the excitement in his eyes and I just want to tell everybody.

But we don’t, we said we would wait until Elena and Trevor’s anniversary dinner tonight so that we can tell them all at once.

I still can’t believe that we’re actually having a baby. I mean, I’m kind of freaking out here. I’ve never changed a nappy in my life and just doing a quick Internet search on what I should be feeding the baby has blown my mind. Who knew there was such a big debate on breastfeeding?

Then I start to worry about Corey being gone; what if he’s gone all the time and I end up being a single parent? Will things be worse when he’s gone? Will I worry more?

My fingers itch to pull my cell out to start and make a list of everything we’re going to need. Crib, clothes, monitor-

No, Ava. Stay calm, we have time for that.

But do I? I mean, the next seven months could fly by and what if I’m not ready? What if we’re still in that little apartment, with no crib-

“Stop,” Corey whispers, placing his hand over mine and giving it a gentle squeeze.

“Stop what?” I frown, turning my head to face him.

“Over thinking.”

Kay comes into the living room with Eli following behind her and asks. “We all ready?”

“Yep,” I say a little too loudly.

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