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The Sweetest Revenge

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'Never!' he swore. 'Never!'

And he kissed her with that vow on his lips, in his heart, and her own heart pounded in unison with his, swelling with the love that had always been there for him.

'Nick?... Barbie...?' Carole's voice calling.

Nick ended their kiss on a ragged sigh. 'Yes...what?' he answered reluctantly.

'I'm about to bring in the cake for Mum. I want you in here with the rest of us.

'Be there in a minute,' he promised. He eased back, lifting his hands to gently cup Barbie's face. 'Are you okay with this...facing my family with me?'

'Are you?'

'No problem for me. I'm only too happy to have you at my side and let everyone know it's where I want to be.'

'Then I'm happy with that, too.'

His thumb tenderly fanned her cheek. 'I will look after you, Barbie.'

'I do trust you to do that, Nick,' she assured him.

His smile was loaded with joyful relief. 'This is the start of us being really together.'

'Yes,' she agreed, smiling her own joyful relief.

And together they walked back into the house— arm in arm—leaving the darkness behind.

There was no place for darkness in their hearts.

They carried magic with them.


'Happy days, Nick.' Leon grinned at him as he lifted his glass of champagne. 'And nights.'

Nick grinned back. 'You've got that right.'

They stood outside the marquee on Observatory Hill, taking a short breather from the crowd of family and friends within. Barbie and Sue had gone to 'freshen up' and Nick didn't want to circulate amongst the wedding guests without his bride at his side.

'Right woman, right time, right place,' Leon went on approvingly, then cocked a teasing eyebrow. 'Don't know about the date though. You do realize this is the Ides of March, the day that Julius Caesar fell.'

Nick laughed. 'Big Julie was after the crown of Rome. Me... I'd give up any crown to have Barbie as my wife. This was the first available date we could get to have the wedding here and I wasn't waiting any longer.'

'It's only been four months,' Leon reminded him.

Nick shook his head. He'd been waiting all his life for her.

'Sue keeps muttering you charge like a bull, rushing everything.'

'Well, I don't notice the grass growing much under your feet, my friend,' Nick tossed back at him. 'That's some emerald Sue is flashing on her engagement finger.'

'I don't aim to lose that lady. But there's a lot to be said for a long courtship. I'm relishing every minute of it,'

'Each to his own, Leon.'

'Can't disagree with that. We're both coming out winners and we're not even thirty-one yet,' Leon declared with immense satisfaction.

Nick laughed at his friend's habit of always crunching numbers. Age had nothing to do with how he felt about Barbie. She lit up his life in so many ways, he could only marvel at how lucky he was she'd taken her vengeance on him on this very hill four months ago—the sweetest revenge, reviving as it had the unique bond between them. It was indeed fitting to have their wedding here, Nick thought, because magic had been wrought that night and this would always be a special place to both of them.

'Hey! What are you doing out here?'

They both turned to Danny who was proudly carrying out his role of groomsman to Nick.

'Waiting for our women,' Leon answered. 'They've left us to powder their noses.'

'And very pretty noses they are,' Danny commented, grinning at both men. 'Got to say you guys have won prizes with Barbie and Sue.

Nick suddenly felt impelled to ask, 'No hard feelings, Danny?'

He looked startled. Comprehension dawned slowly and moved into a quizzical frown. 'Over Barbie?'

'You were very stuck on her.'

'Youthful obsession,' Danny dismissed as though it were nothing. 'I've fished in many waters since and I'm sure as hell not ready to settle down.'

That wasn't exactly the point, Nick thought, but didn't want to make an issue of it.

Danny picked up on the doubt and gestured an appeal for understanding. Tact is, I'm really glad you two have got together. Wish I hadn't been such a pain about Barbie only having eyes for you back in the old days. I didn't realise I was mucking up something special. But I can see it is now, Nick, really special, and I truly am happy for both of you.' He stepped forward, smiling and offering his hand, 'Peace, brother.'

Nick clasped it warmly. 'Thanks, Danny.

Barbie and Sue came around the corner of the marquee and spotted the three men together. 'Leon,' Sue called, pointing to the entrance, 'the band is playing a great rock beat. Can we dance?'

'We sure can, babe.'

He thrust his glass of champagne into Danny's hand and rock-and-rolled straight over to Sue, who shimmied seductively, the silvery green bridesmaid's dress emphasising her femininity. Leon swung her into the marquee with great panache, and their pleasure in each other left the other three smiling.

'Do you want to dance, too?' Nick asked as Barbie resumed walking towards him.

I'd rather steal a few quiet moments with you,' she answered.

'Right!' said Danny, plucking the champagne glass out of Nick's hand. 'A good groomsman knows how to look after the bride's and groom's needs. I shall see that you're left alone.'

And off he marched, pausing only to say to Barbie, 'Best thing Nick's ever done, bringing you into the family. You two really belong together.'

'Thank you, Danny.' She watched him enter the marquee, then looked inquiringly at Nick.

'Just clearing up where he stands. No problem for Danny. He's happy for us,' Nick assured her.

She sighed. 'He only ever was, and is, your brother to me.'

'I know.'

The sense of how very, very lucky he was swelled through him as he watched her come the rest of the way to where he stood waiting for her... so breathtakingly beautiful in her wedding gown, like the fairy princess dress, soft and gauzy, clinging to her curves and glittering with silver bugle beads, and her hair like gleaming silk, rippling down over her shoulders. But what shone out of her eyes was more wondrous to Nick than anything else...the love she held for him in her heart...and the trust he'd won back.

He held out his arms and she walked straight into his embrace, curling her own arms around his neck. 'You're wearing the watch I gave you,' she said, a whimsical question in her eyes. 'I didn't notice it until the speeches and you made a toast to my parents.'

'It felt right to wear it today. I love you, Barbie. There never will be anyone else for me.'

'Nor me,' she murmured. You were always the one...the love of my life.'

And that was the most magical thing of all, Nick thought as he kissed her, that she'd still been waiting for him when Fate crossed their paths and gave him the chance to realise that she was the one for him.

The only one.

His wife...his soul mate...the love of his life.

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