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Starcrossed (Starcrossed 1)

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House exists, then they can raise Atlantis,? Ariadne said. ?That?s

why our family has always lived right on the water. Boston, Nantucket,

Cádiz . . . They?re all near the Atlantic Ocean and we all

want front row seats.?


?That?s insane!? Helen blurted out before she realized that Ariadne

was serious. ?I mean, Atlantis is a myth, right?? The thought

of a city existing somewhere, deep under the dark, smothering

waves made Helen shudder involuntarily. She took a sip of her

juice box to cover her violent reaction and waited for Ariadne to


?Is Mount Olympus a myth? Or heaven? It all depends on what

you believe, and most Scions believe that Atlantis is real, but the

problem is that we can?t get there until we accomplish a few things

first. See, right after the Trojan War ended, there was a great

prophecy made by Cassandra of Troy. She said that if only one

Scion House remains, then we can raise Atlantis and claim it as our

own land forever. The Hundred Cousins interpret that prophecy to

mean that if we demigods earn our entrance into Atlantis then we

will become immortal, just like the gods of Olympus.?

?Wow,? Helen murmured. ?Why wouldn?t you want that??

?Tempting, isn?t it? Except the problem is that if all four Houses

unite, or if there is only one unified House left, then we would be

breaking the Truce.?

?What truce??

?The Truce that ended the Trojan War.?

?I thought the Greeks won. Didn?t they kill all the Trojans and

burn Troy to the ground??

?They certainly did.?

?Then if the Greeks won, who?d they make the Truce with??

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