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Starcrossed (Starcrossed 1)

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there?s something more specific that I?m referring to. Something

that goes back to just before you were born?that?s when

everything started going to hell.?

To Helen?s surprise, Pandora took her hand and led her to a

corner where they could sit down next to each other and avoid the

jumble of the rest of the room. Apparently, whatever Pandora had

to tell her was something she wanted to keep between them.

The Delos family was large enough to have cliques, and if Helen

had to put their family into high school terms, Pandora was the

artsy, mysterious girl that everyone wanted to hang out with, but

only a few did on a regular basis.

?Let me start by saying that it?s hardest for Pallas because he?s

lost more than most of us,? Pandora said sadly, before she sat up

straighter and smiled apologetically. ?Don?t get me wrong, my

brother is still an ass for treating you like he did, but it might help

you understand him a little better if you can flip it, and try to see

that your arrival in our lives is just as big a bombshell for us as it is

for you. Do you know about the way our looks are handed down??

Helen felt her face twitch in confusion at what seemed like a one

eighty in the conversation.


?Sort of,? she said. ?Castor said something about archetypes, and

then Cassandra said that we all look like the people who fought in

the Trojan War, or something.?

?So we?ve all got these recycled faces, right? And we don?t always

look like our parents, or even Scions from our own Houses, but

rather like the people from history that we are supposed to


?Yeah, I get that.?

?And since Scions usually tend to fall madly in love with one person

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