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Starcrossed (Starcrossed 1)

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rather than part. But was Helen Hamilton any better than Helen of

Troy if she wouldn?t give up the man she wanted when it was


?Why didn?t anyone tell me this before?? Helen burst out.

?Lucas forbade it. He said he wanted a little time and a little privacy,

and no one blamed him for that. Relationships are private


?But we?re not allowed to have a relationship, are we?? Tears

tried to make hot puddles out of her eyes. ?This isn?t fair.?

?I know it isn?t,? Noel said, brushing a lock of Helen?s hair behind

her shoulder so she could see her face.

?Are none of us are allowed to choose?? Helen said, thinking of

Cassandra and what she had to suffer. Her whole body was clammy

with nervous sweat and starting to shake. How could she stay away

from Lucas? She didn?t think she could make herself do that any

sooner than she could make one of her hands shrivel up and fall


?Castor and I tried to choose differently,? Noel said sadly. ?We

tried to run away just before Lucas was born. We wanted a fresh

start so badly that we didn?t even give him a traditional name.?

?So what happened?? Helen asked, desperate to keep Noel talking

and maybe learn something that might give her a reason to


?What always happens,? Noel said with a knowing smile.


Helen sat still for a moment, unwilling to stand up for fear that it

would end the interview and therefore end her welcome in this

house. She knew from witnessing everyone else?s obedient reaction

that what Noel said in her kitchen was law for the entire family.

Helen had always thought that Noel was the weak one, the one who

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