Witch's Pyre (Worldwalker 3) - Page 59

“No. No camping gear,” Miller said, growing more agitated. “They mentioned friends, but I think that was a lie. Agent Simms, are you going after her?”

There was a long pause. “Yes,” she answered.

“Take me with you.” It wasn’t a request. Miller sounded desperate. “I can help you. She trusts me.”

“Special Agent? We have one more for you,” said another voice.

Carrick heard a young man’s voice protesting as he was brought into the room. “I told you, I don’t know where they’re keeping the bomb,” he said. “All I know is that they said that some guy had nukes.”

“What’s this?” Simms said harshly.

“I told them already, like, seven times,” the young man said, his voice growing desperate. “I was outside. It was dark. The whole group was on the patio, talking, and one of them said something about a nuke and bombing the whole eastern seaboard. Then they went back inside. I thought they couldn’t be serious until you guys showed up looking for them, then I thought maybe it’s true. They didn’t sound like they were joking at the time, but it’s crazy. Right?” The young man sounded like he really wanted someone to tell him it was.

“Have you checked this yet?” Simms said as an aside to one of her subordinates.

“We’re on it,” the subordinate replied. He raised his voice to a shout as Simms ran from the room. “We haven’t verified it yet!”

“Call everyone,” Simms ordered in return. “I’m not waiting around for a terrorist attack.”

“Agent, take me with you,” Miller shouted. “I can help!”

There was no answer. Simms left the room. Carrick eased himself back into the shadows.

Shall I follow her, My Lady?

No. We both know Lily isn’t going to this Yosemite place. She’s going home, Carrick, Lillian replied.

I’m to go to Salem, then?

No. Stay with Simms.

And if she gets too close to Lily, what shall I do?

What you must.



Lily’s eyes unfocused for a moment, the pavement still scrawling beneath her while the desert and mountains in front of her hung forever far away, like a movie backdrop. Lillian was reaching out to her. After a moment’s hesitation Lily let her make contact.

Simms is coming, Lillian told her. She got information from the people at the house on the bluff.

Is she going to Yosemite or Salem?

She just arrived in Yosemite. She will know soon that you aren’t there. She tracks you with more than the pictures from the Walmart and the witnesses from the party. She tracks you with her yearning. Stay off the main roads.

I will.

Are you coming back to my world?

Yes. Once I get far enough east in this world I’m going to worldjump my coven back to yours, Lily told her. There was no point in trying to hide her plans from Lillian anymore.

It will do you no good to try and talk me off the path of war, Lillian warned.

I wouldn’t dream of it. I’m coming back to exterminate the Hive.

Finally, we agree. My army marches. Gather yours and join me.

Tags: Josephine Angelini Worldwalker Fantasy
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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