Lords of Finance - Page 71

223 F. E. Smith, Lord Birkenhead: Wilson, After the Victorians, 248-49

224 “his only mistress” : Moreau, The Golden Franc, 51.

224 He had a Rolls-Royce: Manchester, The Last Lion, 778-79.

224 Norman, despite his inherited wealth: Lyttelton, Memoirs of Lord Chandos, 137.

225 “undetected, like a shadow”: “From the ‘Old Lady.’ ” Time, January 12, 1925.

225 “unremarked”: “Plan to Pay Gold Calls Norman Here” New York Times, January 1, 1925. carved out of the solid bedrock: “Federal Bank Vault Carved in Solid Rock.” New York Times, October 18, 1924.

225 Most noticeable was the number of cars: “One Auto in the City to Each 16 Persons,” New York Times, May 18, 1924, and “Automobile Census Shows World Has 21,360,779 Cars,” New York Times, March 8, 1925. For relative wages between the United States and Europe, see “Premium on Dollar Keeps Wages Up,” New York Times, December 31, 1924.

226 “The great problem is sterling”: Strong memorandum to Carl Snyder, April 3, 1922, quoted in Chandler, Benjamin Strong, 291.

227 “a long period of unsettled conditions”: Strong memorandum, January 11, 1925, quoted in Chandler, Benjamin Strong, 309.

228 “My dear Ben”: Bank of England, letter from Norman to Strong, January 18, 1925.

229 “the Louis XVI of the monetary revolution”: Keynes, “Letter to Sir Charles Addis,” July 25, 1924, in Collected Writings, 19: 371-72.

229 “We should run the risk”: Keynes, “The Problem of the Gold Standard,” in The Nation and Athenaeum, May 2, 1925, in Collected Writings, 19: 337-44.

230 “faults in her economic structure”: Keynes, “The Return Towards Gold,” in The Nation and Athenaeum, February 21, 1925, in Collected Writings: Essays in Persuasion, 7: 192-200.

230 “pressing the return to the gold standard”: Taylor, Beaverbrook, 227.

230 “It is an absurd and silly notion”: Taylor, Beaverbrook, 319.

231 “he never could make out”: Churchill, Lord Randolph Churchill, 2: 184.

231 “If they were soldiers”: James, Churchill: A Study in Failure, 204.

231 “survival of a rudimentary”: “Mr. Churchill Exercise,” February 29, 1925, U.K. Treasury Papers, quoted in Moggridge, British Monetary Policy, 76.

232 “We, and especially Norman, feel”: Letter from Edward Grenfell to Jack Morgan, March 23, 1925, quoted in Chernow, The House of Morgan, 275-76.

232 “The Gold Standard is the best ‘Governor’ ”: Moggridge, British Monetary Policy, Appendix 5, 270-72.

232 “The Governor of the Bank”: Winston Churchill to Otto Niemeyer, February 22, 1925, U.K. Treasury Papers in Moggridge, British Monetary Policy, Appendix 5.

233 “Norman elaborates his own schemes”: Letter from Edward Grenfell to Jack Morgan, March 23, 1925, quoted in Chernow, The House of Morgan, 274.

233 “None of the witch doctors”: Leith-Ross, Money Talks, 91.

233 Norman often stopped by: Templewood, Nine Troubled Years, 78.

234 “knave-proof,” “living in a fool’s paradise”: Grigg, Prejudice and Judgment, 183.

235 “You have been a politician”: Grigg, Prejudice and Judgment, 184.

235 “I will make you the golden Chancellor”: Boyle, Montagu Norman, 189.

236 “It is imperative that”: Text of Churchill’s speech, including remark about fortifying himself, from Hansard, House of Commons Debates, 5 Series, vol. 183, cols 49-114.

236 “an amber-coloured liquid”: Howe, A World History, 290.

236 “If the English pound is not”: Churchill, Complete Speeches, 4: 3587.

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