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Lords of Finance

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Le Circulaire Bleu (Banque de France)

Le Couteulx de Canteleu, Jean-Barthélémy

leadership, and blame for Great Depression

League of Nations

Leffingwell, Russell

Lehman, Herbert

Lehman Brothers


Liberty Bonds

Litvinov, Maxim Maximovitch

Livermore, Jesse

Lloyd George, David

and Bank of England meeting

and Bank of England-government relations

and Churchill

and events leading to World War I

fall of

and Keynes

and Paris Peace Conference

post-war promises of

and reparations

and Versailles Treaty

Logan, James

London, England

as center of international finance

Dawes Plan meetings in

in mid-1920s

in post-World War I years

Strong visits to

London Stock Exchange

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