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Unspoken (The Lynburn Legacy 1)

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“That’s what I was thinking, but why?” Kami wondered aloud. “It’s not like he can stop me before I reveal all. I told the police! I put it in the paper! All has never been so revealed.”

Angela put down her letter opener. “Maybe he wants revenge.”

“Sure, and maybe his bloodlust has only grown stronger until he must claim the ultimate prey—man,” Kami said in the ominous tones of a horror-movie voice-over.

Angela would take her seriously enough to do what she wanted, thinking maybe there was something in it, maybe something had frightened Kami. Holly looked like she would go along with this for the excitement. Kami wished she could read Ash’s face. It had been nice having a new guy around, someone who didn’t know she was strange and who seemed interested. This might be the end of that.

“But pushing you, that doesn’t seem like crazed bloodlust,” Ash said slowly. “Pushing someone just seems like—they want to get you out of the way.” He looked down at his own hands, fingers spread, and then put them in his pockets. “Is that an awful thing to say?”

“It’s good thinking,” Kami told him briskly. “Now, what are we going to need for this investigation?”

“I’d like a desk and a chair,” Jared said.

“I can try to wheedle information out of people,” Holly offered. “For which I’ll need a lower-cut top.”

“Good idea, Holly!” said Kami. “Let’s make use of every tool we have. First, though, I’m going to print out the town register.”

Angela frowned. “What for?”

“It’s our list of suspects,” Kami explained. “Because right now, it could be anyone in Sorry-in-the-Vale.”

“This is the most exciting lunch I have ever had,” Holly said fervently.

With a little effort, Kami mirrored her easy smile.

Kami was surprised when Ash came looking for her at the end of school. She’d expected him to start steering clear, but instead he was at the door of her history class. Kami saw several other girls noticing his tall golden good looks. There were a lot of his good looks to notice.

Ash strolled up to her, easy, casual, and laid his hand on her arm. She looked up into his electric blue eyes, startled anew by the sheer vividness of their color.

“Hi,” Ash said, his charming smile a touch off, and fell into step with her. “So, uh, I don’t know if this is any of my business, but—when did you and Jared meet?”

“Oh, er, Friday,” said Kami. “At the library.” Which was true.

Ash continued to give her that slightly unhappy smile. “And you two hit it off.”

“Er, yes,” said Kami. “We just really—clicked.” Little bit of a lie, but it was for the best.

“Okay,” Ash said. “I mean, it isn’t any of my business, but I am disappointed.”

It took Kami a few seconds to realize that while she’d been trying to cover up the whole imaginary-friend-turned-real business, Ash had simply been asking if they were dating. “We just clicked platonically!” Kami announced. “No, no. It’s platonic. I’ve made that clear. I told him we weren’t going out.”

“Oh,” said Ash. His smile warmed. “I wasn’t sure what to make of it. I know some girls really like the idea of reforming a guy.”

“Reforming him platonically!” The word “platonic” was starting to lose all meaning to Kami.

“So we’re still on for Claire’s?” Ash asked.

“What would you do,” Kami found herself asking, “if I said I wanted to take off my shirt right now?”

She had to give Ash credit: he barely checked his stride, though his eyebrows went up.

“Give me a minute and I’ll empty the hall?”

Kami forgave her mouth for saying terrible things without her permission, and smiled. “Good answer.”

Ash shifted his schoolbag along his shoulder. “Look,” he said. “I don’t know exactly how to say this.”

It appeared he did not know how to say whatever he wanted to at all. He was silent as they walked the length of the hallway.

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