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Just One Dare (The Kingston Family 5)

Page 23

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“You’re saying I went overboard. But since the playhouse is already up…” Nick said in a tone that all but begged her to let the house stay.

“Yes, Nick. You went overboard.” She burst out laughing, mainly to keep from crying.

Just as she’d thought, Nick Dare was going to be impossible to control.

* * *

Nick had figured giving Leah a real playhouse might be risky. But hell, he’d had to pay through the nose to have it delivered and installed in a ridiculously short period of time. Still, it was worth it. It wasn’t every day he got to make a first impression on his daughter.

Or his daughter’s mother.

The sight of Aurora, in her black slacks that narrowed to sexy high heels and a beige camisole that outlined her full breasts, hit him harder than he’d have believed. He’d fallen for the young girl in jeans and a tee-shirt, and was equally attracted to the woman in the designer clothes.

He stepped closer, the heat of her body calling to him. “I can’t believe we have a daughter.”

Her eyes grew damp. “I know. I’d have told you if I’d known how to find you.”

He nodded. He wasn’t angry at her. “I wish I’d been there for you through it all.”

She managed a smile. “Well, you’re here now, so I guess we’ll have to make the most of it.”

Reaching out, he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and she shivered at his touch. “Does that mean the playhouse stays?” he asked.

Her light laughter caused warmth to settle in his chest.

“Yes, the playhouse can stay.”

“I appreciate it. And I’ll make sure I come to the party early to help you out.” Leah might not know Nick was her father yet, but he was, and it was time for him to step up.

Her surprised gaze met his. “That’s sweet, but I hired a company to bring tables and chairs. They’ll take care of setting up. But I’m sure I’ll be able to put you to good use.”

Unfortunately, he was going to be leaving tomorrow for a pre-planned trip to L.A. to surprise the manager there who had been dropping the ball lately, so he wouldn’t be around to offer that much help. He wasn’t sure how to tell Aurora about his plans but he figured she’d understand he needed to work. And he intended to be at her place early, the day of the party.

“How many people are you having that you need that kind of set-up?” he asked.

She laughed and he loved the sound. “Are you forgetting how big my family is?”

“Right. Crazily enough, mine’s even bigger.”

Those words hung between them in a way he hadn’t planned.

“Nick, I’m sorry. I’m sure you want them here, but we need to go slow. For Leah’s sake.”

“I get it.” He nodded, agreeing with her as much as he hated the fact that it would be another year before his family could celebrate his daughter’s birthday.

“Thank you.” Her gaze met his.

They stood within kissing distance, her head tipped towards him, and the urge to close the gap and fasten his lips over hers was strong. One wrong move could tip the scales. He could bring her closer or scare her away.

While an internal war waged inside his mind, his body knew what it wanted. Instinct had always served him well, so he slid his hand behind her neck, pulled her close and sealed his mouth over hers. Her lips were soft and parted immediately, allowing him to slip his tongue inside. Pleasure and desire mixed, consuming him, and confirming this woman belonged with him. And now, he just had to prove it to her.

He rubbed his tongue against hers and a low moan escaped her throat. The sound went straight to his cock, but doing anything about that would be acting too soon. If he took advantage of their desire now, she’d have plenty of second thoughts later.

“Mommy! Is that playhouse for me!”

Aurora jumped out of his arms just as Leah came bounding in through the front door.

“Hey, honey! What are you doing here? I thought you were with Mimi.” Her cheeks flushed, Aurora took another step away from Nick.

“She saw all the commotion outside and insisted on coming home to find out what was going on.” Mark, the douche neighbor, walked in behind Leah. A little girl with long brown hair, who Nick assumed was his daughter, skipped in beside him.

“Mr. Nick!” Leah yelled.

“I think asking her to use her inside voice is pointless at the moment,” Aurora said to Nick, her eyes lighting up at the sight of their daughter.

Nick grinned at the bouncing ball of energy. “Hi, Leah.”

“Is the house mine, Mommy?” She stared up at Aurora with hopeful eyes.

Aurora looked to Nick and nodded. “It’s a birthday gift from Nick, honey. What do you say?”

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