Just One Dare (The Kingston Family 5) - Page 44

He broke the kiss but kept her backed to the wall, held there by his body. “Good night.”

“Night, Nick.” She licked at her now swollen lips.

He stepped away from her and let himself out into the dark night, feeling optimistic.

Yeah, he’d given her plenty of memories in the last couple of days. Hopefully, it would be enough to compete with her fears.

Chapter Eight

Routine kept Aurora busy while Nick was gone. Routine. It wasn’t something she’d given much thought to until Nick entered their lives. But as she’d told him, keeping to a schedule kept her sane and taught Leah to be responsible. But she couldn’t deny she’d enjoyed her day of fun with Nick and Leah. They’d been like a family, something she’d never had. And although Nick had reappeared, it still, somehow, felt out of reach. At least for Aurora.

Nick Facetimed often from California in a way she could count on—first, during Leah’s breakfast in the morning, even if it meant he had to wake up at an ungodly hour in L.A. and then around four p.m. during Leah’s down time after school. He’d also added a third time, around nine-thirty, right before Aurora turned in for bed.

Tonight, she slid under the covers, her bare legs feeling the cool sensation of the sheets against her skin. Leah was tucked into bed, and two glasses of water to quench her thirst later, she was sleeping like a baby.

Aurora tipped her head against the pillows and sighed. It had been a busy but productive week at work. She breathed in deep and was focusing on some relaxation techniques when her phone rang.

Knowing who it was, she answered without checking the screen. “Hi, Nick.”

“Hi, yourself.”

She took in his deep, rich voice. “No Facetime tonight?”

He chuckled. “No. I was at the gym in the hotel and I’m on my way back to my room to shower before dinner. I have a meeting with the new manager and his assistant in an hour. Then I can leave in the morning, as planned.”

Her heart skipped a beat. “So you’re coming home? I mean back to New York?” He didn’t have a home to speak of.

“Yes. I’m coming home.” He paused and she knew he was letting the word linger between them. “Would you be up to bringing Leah to my parents’ place in Greenwich on Saturday? My family would love to meet you both.”

She’d known the time was coming but she couldn’t deny how nervous she was at the thought of facing his family. What if they blamed her for keeping Leah from Nick? Or they didn’t like her? She already knew they’d love Leah. Of course, she was biased, but she knew the truth—her kid was awesome.

But why did Aurora care so much what Nick’s family would think, anyway?

“Hey. Are you breathing or did you pass out on me?” Nick asked, his tone calming.

He wasn’t laughing at her.

“I’m here. Sure. That’s fine.”

“They’re going to love you both,” he said, as if reading her thoughts. “And they know the facts. That you really had no way of finding me when you realized you were pregnant. They’re going to make you feel like one of us. I promise.”

How did he always read her so well?

“Okay,” she said, letting out the breath she’d been holding before she grew dizzy.

“I’ll come and get you, myself.”

She frowned. “But my place is in the opposite direction. You’ll be driving twice as long.”

He let out a low chuckle. “How much more nervous will you be if you have to meet me there?” he asked.

The thought churned her stomach and she couldn’t reply.

“Point made. I’ll come out Saturday morning.”

She knew he was grinning and somehow it calmed her. “Thanks.”

“Is Leah asleep?” he asked.

“One story and two glasses of water and yes, she’s sleeping.”

“I’m looking forward to reading her a story again. And I really can’t wait to see you.” His voice sounded like smooth whiskey and her body responded, softening with need. “And on that note, I’ll let you get to bed.”

“Nick?” she asked.


She drew a deep breath. “Thank you.” She sensed he’d know what for without her spelling it out.

“Anything for you. Now get some sleep.”

His low, sexy voice rumbled through her, arousing her to the point where she wondered if she’d have to use her vibrator before she’d calm down enough to sleep.

“Dream about me,” he said and disconnected the call.

She rolled over and opened her nightstand drawer, knowing she’d do more than dream about Nick.

* * *

Nick pulled Aurora’s SUV into the driveway of his parents’ house and shut off the engine. Set back from the street, the structure was ten thousand square feet, massive in size. If he hadn’t known Aurora had lived at the Kingston estate for a number of years, he’d be concerned she’d be intimidated by the home he’d grown up in.

Tags: Carly Phillips The Kingston Family Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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