Just One Dare (The Kingston Family 5) - Page 51

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Aurora groaned and rolled over, realizing Nick was gone. As promised, he’d woken up early enough to avoid having Leah find him in her bed.

What time was it, anyway? After a glance at her phone, she bolted up in bed. Eight thirty! She rushed to the bathroom, took care of things, washed up and brushed her teeth. Then she pulled on an old tee-shirt, a pair of panties and shorts before going to see why Leah hadn’t woken her. Leah wasn’t in bed, which didn’t make sense. She always woke up early and climbed into Aurora’s bed for snuggle time.

The sound of voices directed her to the kitchen where Nick and Leah were…making breakfast? Stunned, she stood in the entrance and watched in silence.

“Hand me the bacon but stay away from the hot stove,” Nick said.

“Here!” Leah smacked him in the arm with a strip of bacon.

Aurora winced but Nick didn’t miss a beat. He accepted the meat and placed it in the pan. “Next?”

Leah repeated the step.

Looking around, Aurora realized scrambled eggs waited on their plates, probably growing cold. Okay, so he didn’t multi-task very well, but he definitely was learning on the job. Watching him, Aurora fell even more in love with him than she already was.

It felt strange, seeing the two of them in her kitchen, doing a routine she normally enjoyed with her daughter. She wasn’t going to be needed all the time anymore and that was hard to accept. But it also brought her great joy.

“Can I wake Mommy now?” Leah asked.

She wasn’t so easily forgotten, Aurora thought with a grin. “I’m right here.” She walked into the room and met Nick’s gaze. Everything from last night passed between them with that one searing look.

She cleared her throat.

“Mommy! We’re making eggs n’ bacon. And I poured my own orange juice!” Leah, still in her pajamas, jumped up and down excitedly, as Nick turned back to the stove to concentrate on the frying pan.

They sat together as a family and ate breakfast and Aurora didn’t think she’d ever forget this first time. Her heart was full and she was…happy in a way she’d never been before.

“You promised me Unicorn Poo!” Leah said.

Aurora grinned. “I did.”

Leah sneezed and wiped her nose on her sleeve.

“Gross, young lady. Use a tissue,” Aurora said, not meeting Nick’s gaze because she could see how badly he wanted to laugh. “Go get some tissues from the bathroom.”

Leah slid off her chair and ran to do as she’d been asked. She sneezed again on her way there and again on her way back.

She returned with the entire box of tissues.

“Are you feeling okay?” Aurora put her hand against Leah’s forehead, finding it hot.

“My throat feels funny.” Leah let out an exaggerated cough.

This time it was Nick who said, “Cover your mouth when you cough.”

Aurora shot him a grateful look. “Since you two made us such a good breakfast, how about I clean up? You can watch something until I’m finished. Then I’ll run your bath.”

“Okay, Mommy.”

She glanced at Leah, noticing her eyes were a little glassy. “Can you get Mommy the thermometer from where we keep it?”

Leah ran out of the room.

“You think she’s sick?” Nick asked, his face etched with concern.

“Looks like she may be coming down with something. It’s probably a cold. I’ll see how things go the rest of today.”

Leah returned at the same time Nick’s cell rang. He picked it up from the counter and took the call.

“Here.” Leah handed Aurora the thermometer and brushed her hair away from her ear, waiting for her temperature to be taken.

“What? Jesus. Not again,” Nick said, obviously exasperated.

Aurora glanced over. He was running his hand through his hair as he paced the length of the kitchen. In the end, he stepped out of the room.

She put the thermometer in Leah’s ear and waited for the beep before checking it. “Ninety-nine. There’s definitely something brewing. Okay, monkey. I’m going to give you some Tylenol, a short bath, and we’re going to rest today. How does a movie sound?”

“Good.” Leah’s normal enthusiasm was waning. She didn’t even ask for a movie with a prince.

Nick walked back into the room, tension radiating from his stiff body and annoyed expression.

“What’s wrong?”

“You first. How is she?” he asked.

Leah walked over and threw herself against his legs in dramatic fashion. “I have a fever.”

Aurora laughed and rolled her eyes. “Leah, go get your stuff ready for your bath. Don’t forget pajamas and underwear this time.” She ruffled her daughter’s hair and Leah dragged herself out of the room.

“Is it just a cold?” Nick asked, his concern obvious.

She nodded. “The fever is low grade. A little Children’s Tylenol will help. As long as it doesn’t turn into croup, we’re good.”


“That’s when they get a cough that sounds more like a bark.”

Tags: Carly Phillips The Kingston Family Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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