With This Fling (Summersweet Island 5) - Page 32

Dean: Every fucking time I walk through the lobby.

Laura: My work here is done.

Dean: I was able to start your cart, in case you’re wondering why it’s not in the parking lot anymore. I got it to Palmer and Birdie’s place before it broke down again. Borrowed some of Palmer’s tools, and it’s running like a charm now and shouldn’t give you any more issues. I’ll have Palmer and Birdie drop it off to you in a little bit. Is your house key on this keychain with your golf cart keys?

Laura: Yes, why?

Dean: Birdie said the receipt that’s needed to pick up the bridesmaid dresses is on your kitchen counter. I’ll stop by and grab it before they bring the cart, then head over to the mainland.

Laura: What?! No! Just because I had an employee call off and Wren is puking her guts out with morning sickness doesn’t mean I can’t handle it. I’m closing the stand in a half hour to go over and get the dresses. That’s the beauty of owning my own business, remember? I can do whatever the hell I want. You’re supposed to be heading over to the volleyball competition with Birdie and Palmer for the wedding guests.

Dean: You’re not closing the stand during your busiest time of the year when you don’t have to. Do I look like someone who wants to frolic around in the sand, under the blazing sun, in jeans and boots, swatting a ball around? I’m good. I’m assuming the address to the dress shop is on the receipt?

Laura: Block contact.

Dean: You’re adorable. I’ll take that as a yes.

Dean: If I wind up missing and on an episode of Dateline, it’s your neighbor’s fault.

Laura: Awww, you met Murphy! Isn’t he the sweetest?

Dean: He chased me around the front yard with a golf club, because he thought I was breaking into your home.

Laura: Well, I told you not to go there, so technically you did break into my home. Anyway, he’s harmless.

Dean: There is a giant bruise on my shin that says otherwise.

Laura: OMG, he actually caught you?!

Dean: Don’t say it like that. He is INCREDIBLY fast for someone in his seventies.

Laura: Uh-huh. Sure.

Dean: Dammit. Why do I feel like I need to go to the gym right now?

Laura: Might want to work on that stamina, buddy.

Dean: My stamina is just fine. Care to test that out when I bring these dresses up to you?

Laura: You’re only bringing them to me at the Dip and Twist because you’re afraid to go back to my house, aren’t you?

Dean: Shut up. I’ll be there in ten minutes.

Dean: I have brought you all together in this group chat to let you know to stop bothering Laura at work. Or outside of work for that matter. All wedding emergencies and problems should now be directed to me.

Bodhi: Sweet!

Wren: You’re the best!

Palmer: Are you feeling okay? OMG did someone steal your phone? You guys, don’t reply any more until we know this is really Uncle Dean.

Dean: *photo attachment*

Shepherd: It’s him! I’d know that middle finger anywhere! Does that mean you’ll be able to swing by the dry cleaner and grab my tux then? I’m gonna be stuck at this batting lesson a little longer than I thought, and the dry cleaner is closing early today.

Birdie: Oh thank God! Can you also pick up aspirin from the drug store and drop it off at the front desk of the hotel for the guest who isn’t feeling well?

Bodhi: I mean, if you’re already gonna be at the store, I could go for some gummy bears.

Tags: Tara Sivec Summersweet Island Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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