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What Grows Dies Here

Page 14

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“Maybe I will,” he agreed, hands biting into the flesh of my ass.

I let out a gasp of pain and pleasure as his mouth covered mine once more, my body grinding against his, my climax already building as I got the friction I was so desperate for.

We were moving, but I didn’t take much notice of that, I couldn’t. Now that I was committed to this, him, my mind was overrun with need, like a fucking animal.

I did take notice when he set me down on the sofa, just as my climax was within reach.

“You come against my mouth,” Karson rasped, hand at the back of my neck, squeezing to the point of pain. His eyes were almost black, seemingly inhuman, and my stomach flipped in fear, with excitement, my skin prickling.

Then his hands traveled to my hips, yanking me right to the edge of the sofa. Karson kneeled in front of me, pushing apart my thighs, exposing me to him.

He didn’t dive in straight away, not like I needed, no. Like before, he sat there, staring at the most intimate part of me, open to him, desperate for him.

My breaths were rapid and shallow as I watched him stare at me, watched his eyes flare and the veins in his neck pulse.

I felt the same pulse in the apex of my thighs, as if my pussy was a living thing, separate from me, ready to obey Karson’s every will.

Then again, at this moment, my brain and body were both willing to obey his every will too.

My nails sank into the fabric of the sofa, ready to tear it apart just so my body didn’t explode. I wasn’t going to beg him, no matter how desperate I was. Though this man—a virtual stranger—staring between my legs was beyond personal and gloriously uncomfortable, I forced myself to continue to stare at him, to drink in the way he stared at me.

Perspiration beaded on my skin from the heat his was igniting in my body.

Karson dragged his eyes away from my pussy—that’s what the gesture was, like he was moving through a gale force wind, battling against something that was drawing him between my legs.

I jolted as his eyes met mine.

“Your cunt is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” His voice was little more than a whisper. Much rougher than a whisper. The words moved across my skin like callused hands.

The pads of his fingers pressed into my thighs.

“And I know it’s going to be the most beautiful thing I’ve ever tasted,” he added, this time in that half growl of his that should’ve sounded ridiculous, not insanely sexy.

Before I had the chance to take another shallow breath, to muster up a response to his words, he dived in.

He dived the fuck in.

I threw my head back, letting out a strangled scream as his mouth moved against my clit. It was only going to be seconds before I completely exploded, my body had been crying out for this since the moment I laid eyes on this man. Since the moment I’d heard his voice crawling out of the silence of the witching hour.

One of my hands tangled in his hair, fisting it, yanking it. My body convulsed as he moved his tongue expertly along the most sensitive part of me.

I exploded.


Against his mouth, with my hands yanking at his velvet hair. With his fingers bruising my thighs. Extending to parts of me that no man had ever reached.

Karson didn’t linger there as I twitched with aftershocks. No, he lifted me up once more, my body lead. Seconds later, I was no longer sitting on my soft sofa, the floor was hard and gloriously cool against my back. Karson lifted my head and placed a cushion I didn’t see him grab underneath it before letting it fall down again.

I was little more than useless, a puppet in his hands after he had torn me apart with his mouth.

Karson was hovering above me, not giving me his full weight, but his skin pressed against mine, his cock brushing against my sensitive entrance.

I let out a rough gasp, suddenly hungry for more of him. Suddenly mad with the need for him to be inside of me.


The word came through water.

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