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Remy (Golden Glades Henchmen MC 4)

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“And she’s being protected by some bikers instead of a top-rated security firm because…”

“Because she hasn’t told them. They get along but aren’t especially tight. And I doubt she wants to tell them she’s in trouble because she stole from some bad guys.”

“Yeah, can’t see lots of parents being down with that shit. So, how’s she gonna explain your ass to them then?”

“Guess I’ll have to ask Donovan if I can borrow a suit when I meet them.”

“When you meet them,” Huck said, coming in from the front of the house. “Getting serious already.”

“Hey, boss man knows a thing or two about rich parentals, don’t you?” he asked. “Harmon came from money.”

“Step money, yeah. I went with her to some garden party shit once. Teddy was there.”

“Of course he was,” I said, laughing. “And I guess you could say it is getting serious. More serious than usual for me anyway.”

“Clearly, since it has been more than one night,” Huck said with a smirk. “You ever gonna bring her around to meet the girls?”

“When I don’t have to worry so much about someone seeing her, yeah.”

“Yeah,” Huck said. “Speaking of. What’s going on with that? Haven’t heard shit since Cato and Levee got shot.”

“Ah, kind of hit a bit of a lull,” I said.

“Meaning he’s been too busy worshipping at the altar of the pussy to be finding the fuckers who want her dead,” Eddie explained.

“Yeah, figured as much,” Huck agreed. “And I get it. But you got to handle shit too. She’s gonna need to get back to her life. And I’m gonna need you back to yours too. Lucked out that you met her in a down period for us, but you know as well as anyone that that could change in a blink.”

“Yeah, I know. I’m gonna look over the files more from Arty and figure out a plan.”

“Seeley and Levee said they want in again. I had to tell Cato he’s not doing shit until the doctor gives him the go-ahead. And she’s sounding like a hard-ass, so it is going to be a while.”

“Is he still seeing the doctor from the clinic?” I asked.

“Yeah,” Huck said, smirking, making it clear someone had spilled about Seeley and the good doctor. “Comes home every time looking fucking hangdog. Interesting to see Seeley not always together.”

“Maybe we could finally know more about the guy by looking into the doctor,” Eddie suggested.

“Oh, yeah, speaking of. Were you aware there is a sort of… fan site online about us and our club?” I asked, looking at Huck.

“A fan site?” he repeated, brows furrowed. “No. What kind of fan site?”

“It talks about each of us and even the clubhouse.”

“It mention me?” Eddie asked.

“It does,” I confirmed.

“Shit, man. I got a fan page about me,” Eddie said, puffing up a bit. “I’m gonna go screen shot the shit out of that before stern-forehead over here makes them take it down,” he said, jerking his chin toward Huck.

“It’s mostly harmless. Nothing too detailed,” I told him.

“Still. I’m going to have to have someone look into it. Figure out who is running it. Have a talk with them about their intentions.”

“Might want to start with Teddy,” I suggested.

“Teddy? What does Teddy have to do with it?”

“The site says that he can’t be named because his lawyers sent her some sort of cease and desist or something. So he knows someone who at least knows how to contact them.”

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