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Remy (Golden Glades Henchmen MC 4)

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It, thankfully, managed to steal my voice even as my legs shook, as my thighs clamped around Remy’s head, as my upper body folded forward over him for a moment as the waves crashed over and over.

“See?” Remy said a moment later, leaning the side of his head on my thigh and smiling up at me. “Better than acetaminophen,” he said.

He was right, too, because for a solid twenty minutes after that, when he was getting my panties and pants back on, washing his hands, and even changing the paper on the table and giving the whole thing a quick wipe down with a bleach wipe, I felt nothing but post-orgasm contentedness.

“What do you say? Want to head back and get you some medicine?”

“I barely recovered from my first dose,” I objected, making him turn back with a big smile.

“I meant pills, baby, but I can give you as many doses of that medicine, too, if you want.”

With that, he reached for my hand and started to pull me down the hallway.

A suspicious Dr. Stone stood near the nurse’s station, looking overworked and underpaid and almost a little, I don’t know, sad.

“I know what you’re thinking,” I said after patting Remy’s side to silently tell him to keep moving while I talked to the doctor. “But can I share something with you, woman to woman?” I said, getting a nod from her. “Just because they might do some bad things, doesn’t make them bad men. It doesn’t even make them bad for us. Just something to mull over,” I said, noticing the way her gaze went to where Seeley was standing outside the front door, even without her seeming to want it to. “Anyway, thank you for everything. You are amazing.”

With that, I moved out into the waiting room.

And there was Remy.

Ready to take me toward whatever future we might have in store.”

“Where’s Myles?” I asked, looking around.

“Went home with the nurse, apparently,” Remy said, smirking. “You know what that means?”

“What?” I asked as he wrapped an arm around my waist.

“We have the house all to ourselves.”

“Sure. All to ourselves. With about a dozen dogs.”

“Just how we both want it,” he said, pressing a kiss to my temple.

And, well, when the man was right, he was right.


Remy - 2 weeks

It was, ultimately, predictable.

Hell, it was even faster than we suspected it would be.

Without their leader or their second-in-command, the Locust Crew and no idea what to do with itself.

They attempted to reassemble, but it seemed like all the members believed they had what it would take to be leader which led to in-fighting, then low morale, then everyone just going their separate ways.

But, hey, I wasn’t complaining. Neither was Lark or Myles. We got to hang out in Teddy’s fancy house and shirk most of our responsibilities.

Well, some of them.

Because, ultimately, Lark had made the decision to work for her parents. Which meant Myles would be too.

It also meant they had to conduct a bunch of interviews, which a couple of the guys and I hung around for, just to be safe.

They got the staff up at The Main Squeeze and even promoted one of their most senior employees to manager.

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