Five Second Rainbird (Underground Horsemen 1) - Page 126

She was biting her lip as if she was trying to keep herself from smiling.


My spine straightened, and a cold tremor went through me as the black van swung into the space beside her.

My stomach dropped and chest tightened as I watched. Everything was in slow motion. The door sliding open. The man in black garb grabbing her from behind.

Jesus. It was barely three seconds before he had her in his van and contained. No license plates. No logos. A plain black van with tinted windows.

I slammed my fist into the cabinet.

“Play it again,” I demanded.

Darius pressed a button and rewound the recording.

I watched it again.

“Again,” I said.

I watched those few seconds over and over again. Blocking Macayla from my mind and concentrating on the man who grabbed her. How he moved. His hands. Where he grabbed her.

There were always telltale signs. A gesture. A movement. Something that gave them away.

There was no doubt he knew what he was doing and had done it before.

I heard Darius’ cell ring, and he picked it up while I watched the footage over and over again. No tattoos visible. No scars or marks. He was careful.


“Stop,” I said, and Darius pressed the button. “Right there. He’s looking up at the camera. He knows.” I looked closer, trying not to look at Macayla as she kicked and reached over her head to try to gouge his eyes.

I clenched my jaw. “He’s smiling.”

Darius was quiet, his eyes on the screen. “Yeah, boss. I think it’s him,” he said into the phone. He held his cell out to me.

I placed it to my ear. “If this has something to do with you, this time I’ll fuckin’ kill you.”

There was a rustling on the line as if he was outside, walking. “I suspect it has to do with all of us.”

My spine stiffened. “What?”

“The Horsemen.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

Callum’s voice was controlled, but then, he rarely lost his cool. “Darius has been in town because there’s been word circulating that my brother has surfaced.”

It was like a tank had plowed into my stomach. Fuck. Aiden. “And you didn’t think to tell me? Tell all of us.”

I heard a door shut and an engine roar to life. “We weren’t sure. He’s been gone for ten years.”

“I should’ve killed you for letting him go.”

“He gave us what we needed.”

“Get here.” I hung up on him, and Darius took his phone before I could crush it in my grip.

Callum’s brother. Jesus Christ.

Tags: Nashoda Rose Underground Horsemen Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024