The Blood Debt - Page 43

The sheer desire he has for me.

And the wild animal he’s become.

Still, it won’t stop jetting out of him. It’s like a constant stream, filling my throat to the brim.

“Swallow,” he groans, sinking his tip in deep.

I shake my head, but I don’t have a choice.

I can feel it dribbling down.

And I swallow, and swallow, and swallow away all the salty cum, feeling his thickness inside me every step of the way until all of it is gone.


He finally pulls out of my mouth, and I bend over and cough, sucking in the much-needed air.

“Good girl,” he says, his voice as smug as the look on his face.

I throw him a glare, breathing ragged breaths. “Fuck … you.”

He snorts but then quickly grips my chin. “If you ask nicely, maybe I will.”

I spit in his face.

I can’t help it.

I needed to let out the rage.

But shit, I already regret it the second after.

He closes his eyes and wipes it off painstakingly slow. “You’ll regret that.”

He looks at me as if I just signed my own death certificate.

Dread fills my bones.

Suddenly, he releases me from his grip, tucks his half-hard dick into his pants, and walks to the door.

“Wait!” I yell.

But the door closes, and I’m left all alone again in this cold, empty room.

I sink to the floor and bang on the wood out of pure frustration and regret. Because I gave him what he wanted on a platter and got nothing in return. “Fuck!”

Chapter 12


* * *

Standing in front of the mirror in my bathroom, I stare at myself. Her spit is no longer there, but I can still feel it, burning into my skin like a mark that just won’t fade. The man in front of me looks like an untamed beast. A monster. Just as she says I am.

Grunting with annoyance, I splash my face with some cold water. There are still many chores to do, like cleaning the house, prepping dinner, drying my clothes, and stacking the wood. But now, I have a woman to take care of on top of that.

A woman shivering on the cold floor in a room adjacent to mine.

My eyes instinctively aim for the door. She’s just out of reach and still so fucking far away.

Tags: Clarissa Wild Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025