Code Name - Revenge (Jameson Force Security 9) - Page 25

“I know that now,” I assure her. “You’ve already given me the best advice, and that’s not to wait to say the important things that need to be said.”

She nods, mostly mollified, but I can see she’s still a little peeved. “Promise you’ll have that talk sooner rather than later?”

“I will,” I say, not hesitating with making such a pact as the phrase sooner rather than later is pretty subjective as far as time frames go.

BOB issues a three-beat chime, indicating the results are in, and also effectively ending this conversation for now. Bebe and I lean forward in our chairs, looking at the screen.

BOB often gives at minimum two proposed plans of action, sometimes three. In this instance, there are only two, but it doesn’t matter what the second one is.

Only the first.

It takes me a few seconds to read enough to know I’ve won. “Aha!” I exclaim gleefully, pumping my fist. “I knew my plan was the best.”

Bebe points at the screen. “But look… there’s a second option. It says sheltering in place and letting law enforcement capture him is a good—”

“No,” I reply, jumping up from my chair and doing a flossing victory dance. “A deal’s a deal. No more arguing about this plan.”

“Whatever,” she replies, logging out of her computer.

“Come on,” I say, motioning toward the door. “Let’s get back up to the conference room and start putting a plan together.”

Bebe pushes out of her chair and precedes me out of the R&D lab. “You go plan. I’m going to get some coffee upstairs. I’ll be down later.”

“Bebe,” I say, reaching out and gripping her shoulder lightly so she can’t move farther away. I force her to face me. “This is the best plan. Kynan isn’t going to let this go down without every safety contingency in place. I trust him, and so should you.”

She sighs, her shoulders relaxing. “I know. I know that in my head. It’s my heart telling me something different.”

I pull Bebe into a hug, and she squeezes me hard. “It will be fine. I promise.”

“Famous last words,” she says with a heavy sigh.

I sure hope she’s not right about that.



In my thirty-one years, I have never been to Pittsburgh. I loved how Thea gasped—as did I—coming out of the Fort Pitt Tunnel to have a beautiful city magically appear before us. Dozer pointed out certain landmarks and buildings. I was a little nervous as he drove us through a beautiful area of downtown straight into what looked to be an array of abandoned buildings, dark alleys, and individuals hanging out on street corners, looking like they were truly up to no good.

The Jameson headquarters is ramshackle at best, and I was stunned when he pointed it out. An abandoned warehouse with faded red-brick exterior decorated with graffiti, I couldn’t imagine an elite security company being housed within. But then we were pulling into a secure underground parking garage, and next thing I knew, Dozer used a retinal scanner straight out of a James Bond movie to enter the building. He explained that the first floor was kept as it was upon purchase, in case anyone was curious enough to wipe the outer grime off the windows and see if there’s anything inside worth stealing.

Not that they could get through those grime-covered windows. They’re backed with sheets of indestructible Plexiglas that can’t be punched through.

Dozer took us up a freight elevator with an old-fashioned iron gate to the fourth floor where we entered a communal kitchen and living area along with personal apartments where we’ll be staying for the time being.

We were met by Joslyn McGrath—formerly known as Joslyn Meyers, the world-famous actress and musician. I thought I was prepared for this meeting as I knew she’d married the owner of Jameson, but are you ever really prepared to meet a famous icon like her?

Joslyn is as warm, down-to-earth, kind, and generous as Dozer assured me she would be. She welcomed us, treated Thea to milk and cookies, and made delicious cappuccinos for my mom and me. Dozer went down to the second floor, which is where a lot of the business is conducted, to start planning how to end this mess with Borovsky, and Joslyn kept us entertained.

She gave us a tour of the fourth floor, ending with the apartment where we’ll be staying. It’s a small, two bedroom that’s been beautifully furnished and decorated, and she assured me it has fresh, soft sheets on the beds. While it has a small kitchenette, Joslyn invited us to make use of the larger communal kitchen that’s fully stocked. She left, having other things to attend to, and my mom and I got settled in the best way we know how—by unpacking our stuff and putting it away in drawers and closets.

To while away the time until Dozer’s return, I play some games with my daughter, and we watch TV. When Thea asks to watch Raya and the Last Dragon for the hundredth time, I decide to venture out to the communal kitchen area to try that fancy coffee machine myself.

Tags: Sawyer Bennett Jameson Force Security Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024