Take Me Home (The Heartbreak Brothers 1) - Page 17

Ashleigh’s confused eyes met Maddie’s. “I was telling her about wooing,” Maddie said. “Like in the old days.”

“Wooing is when a man

decides to make a woman feel happy,” Ashleigh said, rolling her eyes at Maddie. “But it’s not a word either of you will need for a long time. Now go inside and see Gramma. I want to talk to Aunt Maddie for a minute.”

Maddie stepped aside so Grace and Carter could slip by, their shoes hammering against the wooden floor as they ran to the kitchen. She could hear the deep tones of her mom greeting them, followed by the higher pitch of the childrens’ responses.

“Is everything okay?” Maddie asked her sister.

Ashleigh was looking beautiful as always. Her pale blonde hair was pulled into a low chignon, and the simple lines of her navy dress flattered her slim frame. Maddie felt like a mess standing next to her, wearing only a tank and jeans, but what was new about that?

She’d always been in Ashleigh’s shadow. It was something she’d come to accept over time. Laugh about, even. And if occasionally she wished people didn’t compare them quite so much, well that was okay, wasn’t it?

Ashleigh patted the back of her hair. “Any news in town?” she asked with an innocent expression. “Anything I should know about?”

Maddie shrugged. “Like what?”

“I heard Gray was at church today, causing an uproar. I wondered if you saw anything from the diner?”

For a moment, Maddie froze. Did Ashleigh know about their escape? Or even worse about the near-kiss? “Like what?” she said, keeping her voice as even as she could.

“I don’t know. I just thought I’d ask.” Ashleigh looked pensive. “Do you think I should go to see him?”

Maddie blinked. “Why would you want to do that?” Her stomach felt strange. Like there was liquid heating up inside it.

Ashleigh shrugged. “I was the love of his life once. We dated for three years. It seems rude if I don’t at least say hello, doesn’t it?” Her voice dropped. “Unless you think it might give him the wrong impression?”

Maddie’s fingers curled into her palm. “Wouldn’t that upset Michael?” she asked. Ashleigh’s husband didn’t seem like the jealous type, but then again, Maddie wasn’t sure what type he really was. Whenever she saw him he was always so quiet, as though he didn’t want to be at whatever event they were attending. He was ten years older than Ashleigh – which made him sixteen years older than Maddie – and she couldn’t think of one thing they had in common apart from Ashleigh and their children.

“What kind of impression would it give?” Ashleigh asked, laughing. “It’s not as though I’ve been pining after him for all this time. I’m married, after all. And I’m hoping he’s gotten over me, too. It’s been more than ten years since we ended things.”

“I don’t know,” Maddie replied, still feeling off. “The whole thing just feels weird, you know?”

“Why do you feel weird? You hardly knew him. You were still a little kid when he left town.” Ashleigh shook her pretty head. “Honestly, Maddie, you don’t need to worry about me. I just want to do whatever’s right. I don’t want everybody talking about me, thinking I was rude if I don’t visit. But then, I also don’t want them saying I was desperate to see him, either.” She let out a sigh.

Appearances were always important to Ashleigh, even as a kid. She’d been the prettiest girl at school, the head cheerleader, and of course, her boyfriend had been the one all the other girls lusted after.

Sometimes it felt that life came so much easier to her big sister than it did to Maddie. Most of the time she found that funny. But occasionally it hurt, like somebody jabbing an old wound.

The same way thinking about her sister going to see Gray Hartson was like a scratch to her heart.

“I should go,” Ashleigh said, leaning forward to hug Maddie. “Thanks for looking after the monkeys. We should be back around eight. Are you okay to get them in their pajamas? It’ll make bedtime so much easier.”

“Of course. I’ll get them showered and all ready for bed.” Maddie kissed Ashleigh’s cheek. “Have a good time.”

“Thank you. I’ll see you later.” She leaned into the house and called out. “Grace, Carter, I’m leaving. Be good for your aunt and Gramma.”

“Bye, Mom!” Grace and Carter shouted, not bothering to come out of the kitchen.

Then Ashleigh was walking down the front steps, her high heels clicking on the stone steps as she went.

Maddie watched her and touched the back of her own head, wincing when she felt how loose her braid was and how many hairs had escaped from it. She quickly pulled her hand away, shaking her head at herself.

There was no point in trying to compete with her beautiful sister. She’d learned that lesson long ago.

* * *

After dinner with his family, and more jibing from Tanner about climbing over fences, Gray headed back to his room, claiming jetlag, but really he’d wanted to be alone.

Tags: Carrie Elks The Heartbreak Brothers Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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