Take Me Home (The Heartbreak Brothers 1) - Page 31

“Can we talk about something else?” Laura asked, wrinkling her nose. “I really don’t need to know your sexual secrets.”

Jessica huffed. “I’m just saying Maddie is lucky. She doesn’t have to worry about that stuff.” She turned back to Maddie. “I don’t think it’s right, though. Gray leading you astray like that. What did Ashleigh say?”

Maddie stole a glance at Becca. Her expression revealed nothing. “He didn’t lead me astray. I’m the one who made him jump. He was only trying to escape from all the attention.”

“I bet he actually likes it,” Jessica said. “What guy wouldn’t love girls running after him? He’s pretty much begging for it with all those album covers. I swear I’ve seen his naked body more than I’ve seen Matt’s.”

“That’s not fair,” Maddie said, trying to push down her annoyance. “It’s like saying a girl with a short skirt is begging for guys to hit on her. He’s allowed to express himself.”

Becca smiled warmly at her, appreciation all over her face.

“Girls with short skirts are asking for it.” Jessica shrugged. “We all know that.”

Laura shook her head. “The nineteen fifties called. They want their bigoted opinions back.”

Maddie bit down a laugh. “I like Gray’s album covers. They’re beautiful and artistic.”

“All those tattoos.” Jessica gave a mock shudder. “I like my men to look like men, not canvases.”

“I think tattoos are hot.” The words escaped from Maddie’s lips before she could stop them. Jessica turned to her with a raised eyebrow.

“You think Gray Hartson is hot?”

Maddie swallowed. “I didn’t say that.”

“Yeah, you really did.”

She was sick of defending herself against the Jessicas of this town. Their small minds and judgments felt like burdens weighing Maddie down. She looked over at Becca who was watching with interest. When their eyes caught, Maddie winked.

“Well, if you’re asking for my opinion, then Gray’s definitely the hottest guy in Hartson’s Creek right now. But he doesn’t have a lot of competition, does he? Tanner’s pretty good looking, I guess, but who else is there?”

Jessica blinked. “I think Matt’s very good looking.”

“Of course you do,” Maddie said. “Bless your heart.”

Laura coughed out a laugh.

It didn’t feel as good as Maddie thought it would. Maybe it was too easy. Jessica got up to get herself anot

her drink, calling her friends – minus Maddie, Laura, and Becca – to join her.

“That was sweet,” Becca said to Maddie when they’d gone. “And hopefully one day I’ll get over you describing my brother as hot.”

“She was just telling the truth,” Laura said, shrugging. “Your family breeds good looking children, you included.”

Becca blew her a kiss. “Thank you kindly. And for that you should both come to Tanner’s birthday party tomorrow night. He’s rented out part of the Moonlight Bar.”

“Rich is already going,” Laura said, letting out a sigh. “Which means I’m on babysitting duties. But thanks for the invite.”

“How about you?” Becca asked, smiling at Maddie. “Tanner’s promised Karaoke. I always win when I sing with you.”

“Yeah, but will you two beat Gray?” Laura asked them. “He’s the famous singer, after all.”

“Ugh. I didn’t think of that.” Becca pressed her lips together. “In that case, you have to come tomorrow night. We can’t let my brother take our crown.” She wiggled her eyebrows at Maddie. “Be there by nine. That’s when the fun begins.”

Chapter Twelve

Gray walked into the Moonlight Bar and looked around, taking in the dark wooden floors, the peeling walls that might once have been painted a dark red, and the neon lit signs that were hanging at an angle.

Tags: Carrie Elks The Heartbreak Brothers Romance
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