Take Me Home (The Heartbreak Brothers 1) - Page 45

“I thought you were going to take me somewhere special,” she said, biting down a smile.

“I am, baby. I am.”

She looked up at him, still standing on the top of his sneakers. It made her a few inches taller than normal, b

ut she still had to tip her head back to meet his gaze.

He shuffled his feet, moving her with him, until the moonlight fell across her face. “There,” he said. “Perfect.”

“What do you see?” she asked him, putting her palms on his chest to steady herself. And also to check out those pecs. Yep, as firm as she thought they would be.

“I see,” he said, kissing the skin on her temple, “a beautiful woman.” He slid his mouth down to her jaw. “One who makes me laugh and want to scream at the same time,” he whispered, kissing his way to the corner of her mouth. “A woman I’m going to kiss, or die trying.”

“By the beach,” she whispered. “After splashing in the waves.”

“Hush. I changed my mind.”

The way his lips lingered at the corner of hers was tantalizing. She held her breath, waiting for the kiss. Needing it. He slid his hand down her back, pulling her even closer against him, and her body arched in response. Just a few sweet words and the briefest of touches and she was on fire. He exhaled and the feeling of his breath against her skin sent a shiver down her spine.

He slid his hand over the swell of her behind and she pressed against him, feeling his desire. Hard and big, and everything her aching body wanted.

“Gray,” she whispered. “You’re driving me crazy.”

His lips curled up against her skin. “The feeling’s mutual.” He pulled his head back and she saw herself reflected in his dark eyes. “Keep looking at me like that and I’ll do more than kiss you.”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Yeah. Yeah I would.” He turned around, spinning her with him, and pushed her against the brick frontage, his head dipping to kiss her neck. He slid his hands under her behind and without thinking she circled her legs around his hips, and dear god, pleasure shot through her. Her head tipped back as he kissed his way up her throat, the sensation forcing a moan from her lips.

“Christ. I’m harder than a teenager.”

She let out a laugh as his mouth reached hers once again. “This is the longest wait for a kiss I’ve ever had,” she told him. It was entirely possible her body would succumb before her lips did. He was pressing himself against her in an enticing way. Her toes curled up with delight.

“I like the anticipation,” he told her.

“This isn’t anticipation. It’s sex with clothes on.”

“If you think this is anywhere close to sex, you have a lot to learn.” He raised an eyebrow.

“And you’re the one to teach me?”

He pushed himself against her again and she swallowed her cry. She was embarrassingly responsive, and he knew it.

“Is your mouth always this smart?” he asked her.

“Pretty much.” She batted her eyelashes at him. “But I think you know what to do about it.” Her thighs tightened around him and he groaned. Such a sweet sound.

He was staring at her again, the humor had melted from his expression, replaced by dark desire. Her breath hitched as he leaned closer and slowly, pressed his lips to hers.

If she thought she was needy before, it was nothing compared to now. He deepened the kiss, his mouth parting hers. The tip of his tongue slid against the tender skin inside her bottom lip. She kissed him back hard, her lips moving without conscious thought.

God, he felt good. So good. He knew how to kiss – not too hard and not too soft. A goldilocks kiss that sent her soaring. His mouth ignited a fuse that kept on burning, her body on fire as he held her against the wall and swallowed her sighs. And when they finally parted, both of them breathless, it felt as though she’d lost a little piece of herself.

“Damn.” Gray shook his head. “There’s definitely something there.”

“Yeah,” she agreed with a smile. “I guess there is.”

Chapter Fifteen

Tags: Carrie Elks The Heartbreak Brothers Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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