Take Me Home (The Heartbreak Brothers 1) - Page 71

“Yeah. Like flies cluster around manure.” Laura shook her head, though Maddie could tell she was biting down a smile. “Anyway, we’re not talking about me. Your sister has no right to tell you who you can or can’t date. It’s none of her business.”

“She thinks she knows best.”

“Because of what happened when you were in Ansell?” Laura lowered her voice, her eyes glancing around.

“Ashleigh saved me that day,” Maddie said softly. “When I called her she dropped everything. Drove all the way to New York by herself and raised hell with the administration. And when I begged her to take me home, she packed everything up while I cried my heart out, before driving for hours through the night. I owe her.”

“You owe her nothing. You’re always there for her. How often do you babysit your niece and nephew?” Laura asked her. “And then there’s your mom. Ashleigh never does anything apart from visit every so often. You’re the one who takes her to the doctor, who makes sure she’s in bed safely every night. Hell, you bring her here every Friday and I know how much you hate it.”

“I get to see you.” Maddie smiled.

“Yeah, that’s the only saving grace of Chairs.” Laura grinned back. “I get to talk to you without Murphy shouting at us.” Her face turned serious. “You’re not going to do what she asks, are you?”

“My mom wants me to,” Maddie admitted.

“Your mom?” Laura frowned. “What’s she got to do with it?”

“She heard us arguing. She was so upset when Ashleigh slammed her way out of the house without saying goodbye. I got a lecture about how we’re sisters and we should always take care of each other.” Maddie sighed. “Maybe she’s right.”

“You’d really stop seeing Gray Hartson because your sister’s throwing a fit over it?”

The thought made Maddie’s chest contract. The attraction between them was crazy. Even now, sitting here surrounded by people, all she really wanted to do was talk about him, be with him.

But that was crazy, too. Because then everybody would start talking about her, and she’d hate that.

“I don’t think I can,” she said softly.

“Good. Because I’d have had to push you in the water if you did. I know you, Maddie. Not as well as Ashleigh, maybe, but well enough. If you like this guy, then you should go for it. You’d regret it if you didn’t.”

“And if he hurts me?” Maddie asked, the tightness in her chest not feeling any better. “What then?”

“Then you’ll deal with it the way you deal with everything. You’re not a naïve kid anymore. You’ve grown since returning from New York.” Laura tipped her head, the dying sun catching the red in her curls. “You’re a strong, intelligent, kick ass woman who doesn’t let people walk all over her. And if Gray hurts you the way you’ve been hurt before, I’m pretty sure you’ll rip his balls off.”

“You’re pretty fierce,” Maddie said, grinning at Laura’s flashing eyes.

“Well, thank you. If you need any help with the ripping part, I’m your girl.” She pulled her legs out of the water and shook her feet, tiny droplets flying through the air. “I’m going to grab some lemonade. You want some?”

“Yeah,” Maddie agreed, a smile curling her lips. “I can’t think of anything better right now.”

* * *

The little Facebook icon on Maddie’s phone screen had been racking up all day. She rarely got notifications on Facebook – hardly any of her friends even used it anymore. And yet every time she checked her phone the little red number next to the icon was increasing. It was now up to twenty, and it was making her twitchy.

It wasn’t until she got home from work that she finally brought herself to check it. And when she saw that every notification came from that damn Ansell Reunion Group she’d been invited to, Maddie sighed. She’d thought by not accepting it she wouldn’t be part of it anymore, but it seemed like Facebook had other ideas.

There was a post in the group that was going crazy with replies. Maddie blinked as she read it, her mouth feeling as dry as the desert.

Has anybody invited Brad Rickson? Or are we not going there? Somebody had posted. With a masochistic finger, Maddie clicked on the comments that followed.

Hmm. Not sure whether we should invite him or not. Y’all remember what he did, right?

Did you hear he has a record deal? Somebody told me he signed with Vista Records.

Yep. According to a friend in the business, his debut album comes out next year.

Why do good things happen to bad people?

Talking of Brad, has anybody heard from Maddie Clark?

Tags: Carrie Elks The Heartbreak Brothers Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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