Take Me Home (The Heartbreak Brothers 1) - Page 93

As soon as she was out of sight, he leaned on her car and sighed. It had been a long day, and it felt like it was only getting started.

* * *

Maddie picked up a stone and threw it into the lake. She’d turned her phone off. Couldn’t bear to look at that damn video again. She’d thought she’d seen the last of it years ago, when Brad had taken it down at the Dean’s insistence.

She felt violated. And ashamed. The thought of people in this town seeing it made her want to scream. She picked up another stone and threw it so hard it made her wrist hurt. It completely missed the lake and rebounded off a tree to the left.

“Here you are. Have you ever tried to walk through mud in a pair of stilettos?”

Recognizing the voice, Maddie shifted around and did a double take. Her usually pristine sister was holding a pair of mud-caked shoes in her hands. Her stockinged feet were covered in dirt. And her hair looked like she’d been to battle.


“Gray thought you might be here.” She wrinkled her nose. “I don’t like that he was right.”

“Why are you here?”

“Because I’m worried about you.” Ashleigh walked on tiptoes across the grass, then stared down at the log Maddie was sitting on. There was moss on it, and some of the bark was pulling away.

“In for a penny.” Ashleigh shrugged and smoothed her skirt down, taking a seat next to Maddie.

“You should get yourself a pair of jeans,” Maddie suggested.

“I have a pair. I wear them when we’re decorating the house.”

“Once a year on Christmas?” Maddie’s lips twitched.

“That’s right.” Ashleigh shrugged. “I didn’t like this skirt much. Or these shoes.” She leaned into Maddie, bumping her shoulder against her. “How are you doing, kiddo?”

“Are we talking now?”

“It looks like it.” Ashleigh tipped her head to the side. “Unless you’d like me to leave?”

“You can stay.” Maddie shrugged, trying to be nonchalant. The truth was, she wanted Ashleigh here with her. It felt comforting, like wrapping a warm blanket around her body. “Even though I broke your heart.”

Ashleigh snorted. “I might have exaggerated a bit. I was upset with you.”

“I got that message. I didn’t realize how important Gray was to you.”

“He isn’t.” Ashleigh waved her hand. “It was my ego talking. Nothing else.” She laid her head on Maddie’s shoulder. “You may have noticed I have quite a big one.”

“I didn’t.”

“And that’s why I love you.” Ashleigh smiled at her. “Anyway, I got kind of pissed that Gray Hartson was okay with ditching me, yet he wanted you enough to incur everybody’s wrath. It hit me where it hurts. Right in my self esteem.” She pretended to bend over with pain. “And I took it out at you. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. It doesn’t matter.”

“Yeah, it does. But I guess we have more important things to deal with now.”

“Like how you’re going to smuggle me out of town and send me to a deserted island with no Wi-Fi?”

“You don’t need to joke with me. I know how much this hurts.” Ashleigh slid her arm around Maddie’s shoulders. It was like she’d opened a dam. Tears pooled in Maddie’s eyes. Angry ones. Hurt ones. Shameful ones. They spilled out and down her cheeks as she thought about that damn recording.

“Everybody will watch it.”

“I know.” Ashleigh nodded.

“And they’ll all see me naked in bed next to those two…” Maddie’s voice caught. “They’ll laugh at me. The same way Brad and his friends did.”

Tags: Carrie Elks The Heartbreak Brothers Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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