Take Me Home (The Heartbreak Brothers 1) - Page 100

“And everything we did? The days we spent at school right by the river.”

He could hear the backup singers right with him, their harmonies melting into his.

“The day that love died. And everybody cried. We held each other tight by the river.”

God, he wanted to hold her again. To feel the softness of her chest against his hard planes. To stroke her hair and feel its silky tendrils twisting between his fingers. With every word he sang, his heart ached because now he knew what those words meant.

He knew what love was. And he wanted to sing it to the world.

When the song came to an end, the audience sprung to their feet and clapped wildly, whistles echoing through the studio. Dan O’Leary was clapping, too, a huge smile on his face as he walked over to thank Gray. A moment later, he turned to face the camera and segued into the commercial break.

Then they were off-air and it was over. The adrenaline remained, though, making Gray’s movements a little jerky.

“You were amazing. The audience loved you,” Dan told him, shaking his hand. “Come back soon, okay?”

“That sounds good.” Gray nodded.

“And for what it’s worth, I’ve met Brad Rickson and he is an asshole.” Dan gave him a wry smile. “I hope he gets what’s coming to him.”

Gray didn’t linger in the studio. After thanking the band and the production staff, Liam hustled him and Marco toward the stage door. As it opened, he could see people everywhere. Fans crowding around, desperate to get a look at him. When they saw him walk out, they began to chant his name.

“There’s too many people,” Liam said to Marco. “We’ll need to get him straight to the car.”

“No.” Gray shook his head. “I always make time for my fans.”

Marco shrugged. “It’s up to you. Ten minutes, okay? And if there’s any trouble we get out of here.”

Gray spoke to as many of them as he could, posing for selfies, signing posters. When they got too close, Liam would shuffle between them, pushing them back. Gray’s cheeks were aching from smiling, and his hand was throbbing like a bitch. Still, he continued to make his way through, thanking them for all their support and for being there.

It was overwhelming. Maybe that’s why he almost missed her standing there in the street..

She was hanging at the back, an amused grin on her face as he looked up at her. Her warm eyes met his, it felt like he was being enveloped in a blanket of good feelings.


“Hey.” She grinned at him. The first thing he noticed was that the red rims around her eyes were gone. Where her mouth had been tight with worry the last time they were together, there now was an ease.

And damn if he didn’t want to kiss those lips.

“What are you doing here?”

She shrugged, still smiling. “I kind of missed you.”

Thank Christ. “I kind of missed you, too.” His voice was rough. Not just from the singing. There was a lump in his throat he couldn’t quite clear.

“Gray! Can I talk to you?”

His smile disappeared when he saw Brad Rickson walking toward them. His first instinct was to step in front of her, to shield her from the asshole. He looked around to see where Liam was.

Thank god, he was right behind them.

A murmur came from the crowd. From the corner of his eye, Gray could see them lifting their phones to record the scene.

“Liam, we need to go,” he muttered.

“I’m on it.”

“What’s going on?” Maddie asked, grabbing his arm. She must have seen Brad right after, because Gray heard her gasp.

Tags: Carrie Elks The Heartbreak Brothers Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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