Rancher Daddy and Cowgirl - Page 2



This girl is beautiful.

I love that she’s a real woman and not some plastic, carbon copy kind of a girl. She’s extraordinarily attractive and I’m fortunate that she doesn’t fit the idiotic current idea of what makes a woman desirable. She was born seventy-five years too late for that.

But not too late for me.

“Thank you,” she says.

“I’m Alexander,” I say. That’s me whenever I’m looking for a one-night stand. I don’t know why I do it like that, but it started back in college. If I anticipate seeing anyone with any regularity, I’m Zander. If I think it’s going to be a wonderful evening with nothing happening in the morning, I just use my full name.

“What brings you to town, Alexander?” She asks with a smile and the smile is enough to create a visceral reaction. I can feel my cock growing stiff, and it’s a damned surprising thing when it comes right down to it. I give her a smile of my own and say, “I’m taking over the family business. This is my first time back in Hopewell Springs in almost a decade.”

“No family here?”

“Okay,” I say. “Now you have to let me buy you two drinks. It’s a penalty.”

She laughs. “Am I getting too personal?”

“No. You just haven’t given me your name yet. Totally unfair.”

She smiled radiantly and says, “Fair enough. I’m Mary Cait.”

I extend my hand, and she takes it. “Pleased to meet you, Mary Cait,” I say.

“Now that we’ve got that out of the way,” she says, “do you not have family here?”

“I do, actually, and that’s exactly why I got a room at the hotel. One more night before I need to deal with them.”

“Well, Alexander,” she says, “If it’s your last night of freedom, why don’t you have a seat so we can make it an enjoyable night.”

“Why thank you, princess,” I say as I sit. Princess? How the hell does that come out. I look at her a little worried, but I see she’s blushing a little bit. I go for broke. “You like that, little girl?”

She turns even redder. “Yes,” she whispers.

“What other names do you like?” I ask.

“I’ll tell you what,” she says, “I’ll answer that if you answer a question from me first.”


“What name do you like for a girl to call you?”

God, I’m hard now. Thank God I’m wearing pretty restrictive jeans and it’s not too obvious. “I’ll answer that,” I say, “but let’s take this to a booth.” I stand and order another round from the bartender as I lift up our drinks and walk to a booth in the corner. I wait for Mary Cait to sit and then sit across from her. “Why don’t you guess what I like to be called, little girl?”

She blushes again and says, “I’ll try to guess, Daddy.”

She smiles knowingly at my reaction. I’m not sure what expression I’m making but she says, “I thought so.”

“What do you know about DDlg?” I ask.

She says, “Well, I had a boyfriend who was into it but not the way I liked it. I mean, it was pretty much just roleplay during sex or leading up to it.”

“You didn’t like that?”

“Oh yes! Yes, I did!” she says, and her enthusiasm embarrassed her. She’s crimson now. She says quietly, “but I always wanted it to be more than just in the bedroom. I guess, I kind of wanted it to be part of the romance and not just the sex.”

The cocktail waitress arrives with our second round and that brings a pause to the conversation for a moment. When she leaves, I look at Mary Cait and say, “what appeals to you most?”

She smiles at me and says, “I think you’re trying to seduce me.”

I shake my head. “I’ve already seduced you, little girl,” I said, “but instead of just bringing you to my room and enjoying that, I’m going to get to know you a little first.”

She stares at me in shock and says, “That’s a little presumptuous, don’t you think?”

“When you address me, little girl,” I reply, “you call me Daddy.”

Her jaw drops and her eyes flash angrily. Then, she says in a pouty voice, “Yes, Daddy.”

“Good girl,” I say, “I’d hate to start our time together in the room with a spanking.”

Her eyes flash again, “That’s more than a little presumptuous, Daddy.”

I smile at her and say, “You haven’t answered my question.”

There’s a hint of a smile on her face as she says, “I like the willing transfer of power.”

I blink in surprise, not because that’s what appeals to her but because she speaks so frankly about it. This girl just keeps getting better and better. “What do you like about that part, princess?” The name comes so naturally, that I barely even notice I’ve said it.

“I like the idea of telling my Daddy exactly what I need from him, then choosing to surrender control of those areas to him. Something about giving someone else control over a specifically defined area of my life makes me feel more secure and not less. I guess I like it when both of us know exactly what’s expected of us and I like knowing I can rely on someone to help me where I most need help.”

“And where do you most need help?”

Her smile fades into a glare that looks just as sexy if not more so, than her smile. “Now that is too presumptuous.”

“You’re right,” I say. “This is a conversation we should be having in your room, not at the hotel bar.”

Her back stiffens and she gasps slightly but a flush of color comes to her cheeks, and I can see her nipples hardening through her shirt. Seeing that makes a certain part of my body even harder than it already was and if I could see hers, I’m pretty sure she can see mine.

Her eyes travel south and when they widen again and her lips part, I know for sure she can see it. I stand, making no effort to hide the bulge in my pants, and say, “Well? Lead the way, little girl.”

She looks like she’s about to protest but then stands and storms off. I follow her and when we reach her room, she spins on her heels and says, “Did I say you could follow me?”

I smile wickedly. “Can I follow you, little girl?”

She takes a deep breath and continues to glare at me, but says, “Daddy, would you like to come inside?”

“Thank you,” I say. “I would love to, but we should probably go into the room first.”

She glares at me but does not attempt to hide her smile as she enters the room and beckons me inside.

Tags: Jess Winters Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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