Rancher Daddy and Cowgirl - Page 5


Mary Cait

I don’t know why it bugs me when I wake up at seven o’clock and Alexander is gone. I mean, it isn’t like I thought this was the beginning of a relationship. Hell, we didn’t even exchange last names. I know nothing about him, and he knows nothing about me.

Well, apart from the fact that we’re both into age play, we know nothing about each other, anyway.

The point is, I do not expect anything more than last night. Hell, apart from the sex, which still impacts me, turning me on like nobody’s business so I all but leap out of the bed and head to the shower. That way, I can take care of the need to shower and the need to deal with my arousal at the same time.

But really, I don’t even like Alexander. He’s got to be the most irritating human being on Earth, for Christ’s sake. He infuriates me, in fact, and I don’t understand how in the hell everything about him turns me sexually even as it turns me off in every other way. God, am I going to spend the rest of my life knowing the best sex of my life happens with someone I don’t even like?

The point is, I guess, that it makes no sense for me to be irritated about the bed being empty when I wake. In the shower, I think about the night before as I take care of business and I shout into the water, “Yes, Daddy!” as I cum, imagining his infuriating cocky smile. I get pissed off at the memory of the smile even as my body explodes with pleasure.

I dry off and get dressed and get dressed. Just before I get my boots on, a knock comes at the door. It startles me but I see it’s seven-thirty, and that’s the time I checked for breakfast from room service, something included in the price of the room. I open the door and a sweet young lady smiles at me. “Breakfast and more,” she says as she pulls a cart into view. There’s a vase with flowers on the cart as well.

She pushes the cart in and I say, “Flowers? This is a fancier hotel than I thought.”

She giggles and says, “Those flowers are for you and they’re not from the hotel.”

I see there’s an envelope with the flowers and I open it.

Last night was wonderful, little girl. Zander.

Zander? It takes me a second to realize that’s a shortened version of Alexander. I feel my cheeks grow hot and I realize I’m blushing like a schoolgirl. The young lady says, “They’re beautiful, aren’t they?” I nod and then really feel embarrassed. She can tell and she says, “Hey, we’re allowed to have beautiful things.”

I finally laugh and take a good look at her. She’s like me. I think her body is beautiful, but the rest of the world probably wouldn’t. She’s pretty as can be, and I say, “I’m Mary Cait.”

She extends her hand. “Very pleased to meet you, Mary Cait. I’m Lynda, with a y and not an i.”

“Well, hello Lynda with a y,” I say with a smile. “You and I are going to be friends because I’m going to be at this hotel for a month or two.”

She says, “Welcome to Hopewell Springs, then,” and gives me a hug. She takes my phone from the counter and programs it into her number. “In case you want to skip the front desk,” she says with a smile.

When she leaves, I feel damned good. I tell myself I feel good because I have a new friend, but I know a big part of why I feel good is just that Alexander sent me flowers. It feels good to know last night has at least a little significance for him. Again, I have no idea why in the world it matters to me but it does. Breakfast seems to taste a lot better just because of that.

I get in my little truck at eight o’clock and I’m at the ranch by eight-fifteen. By eight-thirty, I’m on top of a horse and starting to cut out new cattle that aren’t branded yet. I don’t get to do that for very long, though. Evidently, there’s some sort of employee meeting. That’s almost unheard of on a ranch. Usually, things just filter down to where they need to go.

I follow the others to the meeting. Thompson waves at me when I arrive. I return his greeting, then we join the others in the office, which is an addition to the main house converted into an office. There are about twenty of us and the others talk quietly amongst themselves when the door opens and an elderly gentleman who looks like the last living memory of the Old West walks into the room.

The conversation instantly stops and by the respect and attention, everyone shows, I gather the older man is the owner.

“Thank you all for coming on short notice,” he says in a deep, gravelly voice that matches his appearance. “I’ve called you all here for an important announcement. As of this moment, I am retiring from my leadership role at the ranch.”

There’s a chorus of surprised cries and the older man holds his hand up for silence, then says, “I’m leaving you in the very capable hands of my grandson, Alexander.”

Alexander? No, it can’t be.

Then I see him walk to the front of the room and shake his grandfather’s hand and there can no longer be any doubt. My new boss is the man who fucked me into oblivion the night before.

He says something briefly to his grandfather, then turns to us. “Most of you are familiar faces and I’m excited to have the chance to work with you again. We’ll have time to catch up later but right now, I want to meet with the new employees who don’t know me so they can understand what this transition means for them. I’d like to see Thompson, Grady, Washington, and Brown.”

Hearing my last name sends a thrill through me and I wonder again how I can be so turned on by someone who frustrates me so much.

The other hands leave and the other three hands meet with Zander one by one in his office. He still hasn’t noticed me and as Washington leaves and I enter, I wonder how he’ll react when he realizes the girl he screwed the night before is one of his new employees.

The way his eyes widen in shock when I enter tells me his reaction is similar to mine.

Tags: Jess Winters Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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