Through the Lens (Click Duet 1) - Page 9

We pick a bar between the beach and his place and agree to meet in an hour. I riffle through my suitcase, toss the designer’s pieces in the box they came out of, and head for the shower.

As the hot spray rains between my shoulder blades, I hang my head and wonder how I am going to survive after my time here. Leaving the first time was hard enough. Leaving again will be hell.

Chapter Five


My purse hits the floor with a loud thump, startling Luna as she weaves between my legs. “Sorry, pretty girl.”

I bend down and run a hand over her soft, black fur and she purrs in return. Scooping both hands under her belly, I lift and flip her belly-side up, doting kisses on her. She is the sweetest cat I have owned, never wanting to leave my side. She also serves as the world’s best cuddle buddy.

As I land on the couch with her snuggled in my arms, my phone rings from my abandoned purse. Ugh. I just want to unwind and get some sleep before tomorrow. No rest for the weary.

I set Luna down and kiss her head before I snag my phone from my purse. Shelly.

“Hey, girl,” I answer.

“You sound beat. Want me to let you go?”

“Long day, and no. What’s up?”

“You’ll never guess who’s in town,” she says in a rush. If we were on FaceTime right now, I would see her jumping up and down, hands flailing. That’s just Shelly. A big ball of unending enthusiasm.

“Bet I can.” I burst her bubble of excitement.

“Wait, wha—?” she stumbles. “How did you know?” She actually sounds bummed to not break the news to me.

I huff into the phone, wishing to escape all things related to Gavin Hunt. But as usual, everything cycles back to him. “Because he’s the model I’m currently shooting.”

A shriek tears through the line and I hold the phone away from my face until she stops. “Shut the fuck up. Are you serious? How weird. Or maybe not. Is it weird?”

What is she talking about? “Huh?” It is all I can say.

“You know it’s not his fault he moved to California years ago. Maybe fate has found a way to bring you back together,” she says, words all dreamy.

Although s

he has been single for some time, Shelly is adamant about the topic of love and fate and how everything happens for a reason. I have lost count of how many times she has told me I will find my Prince Charming one day soon.

While she can’t see me, I roll my eyes. Fate. What a load of bullshit. If fate existed, things between Gavin and I wouldn’t have ended how they did. He would have done more. Would have at least tried.

“I know it wasn’t his fault, but he didn’t even try for long. It’s like he gave up or caved or moved on. Like I no longer mattered. It…” I will not fucking cry. Nope, I refuse to shed another tear over Gavin Hunt. I tip my head back and blink in rapid succession. I inhale deep and continue. “It hurt seeing him today. He acted as if nothing existed between us before. He’s not the same Gavin I once knew.”

“Yeah, I get that. I’m sorry if him being here is digging up old memories. But you know something?” Shelly’s voice escalates in pitch the more she talks.


“I love you,” she croons, wrapping me in a virtual hug. “And we should go out and grab dinner and a couple drinks. You should be celebrating your new contract. Not worrying over Gavin or the past.”

As much as I would love to lay in bed, watch reruns of Supernatural and eat leftover Chinese food with Luna at my side, how can I say no to Shelly. Still somewhat early, it would be nice to chat with her about how I am in emotional overload right now. Shelly’s the only person who knows everything there is to know about me. She is the one person I can pour my heart out to and she won’t judge me.

“I can never say no to you. Where should we go? No karaoke. I’m still having strange dreams from the last one.”

Her laughter pierces the air, one I would recognize in a room full of strangers. “We can hit that Thai and sushi restaurant on Patricia. I’ve been craving green curry for days.”

Now it is my turn to laugh. Not only does my best friend know me well, she also caters to my hankering for Asian food. I also believe I have made her as equally addicted, which warms my heart.

“Sounds good. I’ll meet you there in thirty.”

Tags: Persephone Autumn Click Duet Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024