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Through the Lens (Click Duet 1)

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city has the same community atmosphere. It is invigorating and refreshing to know places like this still exist.

The line to get into the state park is long, as is typical on a beautiful day like today. I pay the attendant and drive into the park, heading for the agreed-upon meeting location. Blue skies with sparse clouds make up the view as a gentle breeze blows through my rolled down windows. The trees lining the road inside the park sway and glow under the beaming sunlight. This time of year is when my slice of Florida is perfect. A slight coolness with a ghost of the summer to come.

Parking under a small, rare patch of shade with my car backed in, I scan the lot for Alyson’s rental. When I don’t see it, I retrieve my bowl and enjoy my breakfast while waiting for her and Gavin to arrive. Rock music vibrates through the speakers around me. Five bites from finishing and three songs later, Alyson and Gavin drive through the lot in search of a space.

Dark sunglasses mask Gavin’s eyes from the world, his head pressed against the headrest. I imagine he is as tired as I am. No doubt his eyes are closed behind the lenses. We have exhausted each other, but are taking things in stride this week. I wouldn’t change any of it. More than happy to have exhaustion bleeding through my veins if things between us will shift for the better. Head back down the path we once traveled.

“God, I missed him,” I whisper to myself.

Although I haven’t dreamed it for two or three years, envisioning Gavin in my arms again has been something I never let go of. How could I let him go completely? How could I wipe away what we had? Our history… we didn’t just share the best two years of my teenage life. Two years that tattooed every perfect moment and emotion on my heart. Every important exchange between two people in a relationship, we had every single of those experiences together. First legitimate relationship. First real kiss. And sex… no one ever forgets their first. He was mine and I his. And no one can change any of that. No one can rewrite our firsts.

When he left, I was certain he would come back as soon as he could. We had it all planned out. Down to the very last detail. Or so we thought. But when you’re young, and can’t pay to travel across the country, plans change. Promises slip through the cracks. People fade into the background.

Alyson parks three spaces down and across from me. I sit in my car a minute longer, watching from the driver’s seat as Gavin gets out of the car and scans the parking lot, a hand hovering above his sunglasses. The moment he spots my car, his shaded eyes landing on mine, a monumental smile stretches across his face.

“Damn,” I whisper on a sigh.

I have only seen this smile a few times from him, including the one he gifts me now. It echoes off him, bounces through the atmosphere, and hits me with a force that knocks me breathless. My lips part as I suck in a breath, his eyes not missing the effect he has on me—even fifty feet away—causing his smile to brighten further.

Walking with a bounce in his stride, he sidles up to my door and pokes his head through the open window. “Good morning, baby.” His lips warm against my neck as he imprints his lips on the skin below my ear.

An audible sigh exhales from my chest as my eyes roll back before my lids shut out the world around us. Heat fires in my chest; surging, rising, spreading to every nerve ending in my body. His lips and tongue travel a path along the curve of my neck. All coherent thoughts vanish and I melt into a puddle in my car.

A cough from behind him interrupts the moment and snaps us both back to the reason why we are here. My eyes flick to Gavin’s, his happiness reflecting my beaming smile. “Good morning,” I say, breathless.

“Shouldn’t we get started?” Alyson gripes, a hint of irritation in her voice.

“Yes. Sorry,” I apologize, rolling up my windows and stepping out of the car. “Let me grab my equipment from the back and then we can start.”

She nods, then asks, “Where’s your assistant? Do we need to wait for her too?” Her tone transitions from irritation to annoyance in point-five seconds.

What crawled up her ass and died?

“Erin won’t be here today. Minimal equipment is necessary for today’s shoot. Plus, she had a prior engagement.” My tone is courteous, when all I want is to give her the same level of shit she dishes out to me. But, as always, I take the higher ground.

She starts walking toward her car, speaking over her shoulder at us. “I’m grabbing my bag from the car. Be ready when I walk back over.”

As soon as she is out of earshot, I glance up at Gavin, silently asking why the hell Alyson is being a top-notch bitch to me today. Lifting the hatch on the back, I grab the cameras I plan to use today, hooking the straps over my head.

Seconds pass before he speaks up, his voice raspy and low. “She’s upset with me. This morning, I broke the news to her that I plan to move back to Florida. She knows I still want her as my agent, but isn’t thrilled with the idea of doing the job from the other side of the country.”

Hanging my head, I mumble, “So, this is also about me. Her frustration isn’t just with you, but also with me. Am I right?” I hate that us being together will cause a rift in his career.

He brushes my hair behind my ear and follows the gesture with his eyes. “I didn’t mention you when I spoke with her earlier. But I’m sure she put two and two together with my greeting you. None of that matters, though. I’ll talk with her. Explain things she knows nothing about.”

My chest tightens as guilt riddles me. I don’t want animosity—between him and his agent or me, by proxy. “Okay. But, Gavin…” I pause and he locks his gaze on mine. “Please don’t make me the sole reason you return.”

He cocks his head and studies me a minute. His eyes narrow then relax behind his sunglasses as he starts to shake his head. “You don’t get it, do you?”

“Get what?” I furrow my brows, obviously unaware. A small piece of my heart tells me I know the answer. Whispers it softly in my ear. But the gut-wrenching memories step out of the shadows and remind me to never assume. Assumptions kill dreams and crush hearts.

“It has always been about you. It always will be.”

“Gavin…” He can’t say things like that. Not unless he is prepared to back every sentiment. And not with more words or promises, but with actions. Actions are what I need.

His fingers brush along my jawline, from my temple to my chin. “You don’t get it, baby. I have missed you every day since the moment my mom packed our life up and moved us away. It’s been four thousand six hundred and ninety-eight days, Cora. And until I’m back here, with you beside me again, I won’t stop counting. Because it’s the only thing that gives me hope.”

My throat squeezes at his words, making it hard to swallow the lump building from emotional overload. Making it difficult to breathe. How do I follow up after he confesses facts so heavy? Anything I say after seems minuscule. But not responding makes me an asshole. Just as I am about to formulate a response, about to use my words, Alyson steps up to us and huffs.

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