Time Exposure (Click Duet 2) - Page 23

“Ladies, you heard it here. Keep your eye on the magazine stands.” Janet takes a sip of water, then switches tactics. “Other than work, Gavin, how is life treating you?”

This is why I came here. To expose my life to the masses. Tell my story—the truth as well as the web of lies. I need the façade of what Layla and I had to be uncovered. For all the stories of our perfect “engagement” to be brought out in the light and diminished.

“Well, Janet, things are a bit rough right now,” I say.

“Aw, I’m sorry to hear this. What’s going on?”

“My trip to Florida ended up becoming more than just a work trip. For the first time in thirteen years, I ran into the love of my life.”

Janet gasps and slaps a hand over her mouth, eyes awestruck. “Oh my, Gavin. I don’t know what to say. Why has it been so long since you’ve seen this woman? And wait… what about your engagement?”

The perfect segue into clearing the air. Thank you very much. “That’s part of the reason I’m here tonight, Janet. I want to clear the air about a few things. The first thing being my engagement to Layla Hendricks. After running into my high school sweetheart, many things were put into perspective. One of those things being said engagement. An engagement that was done purely for business reasons.”

“Well, you are just full of surprises tonight,” Janet states.

I nod. “Indeed. Layla and I have been friends since I moved to California. But that’s all. My heart has always been in Florida. As my career took off, Layla struggled. Our agent got her shoots with several well-known photographers, but nothing boosted her career. After a year, our agent suggested we pretend to get engaged. That my soaring career would lift hers. So, I agreed. Layla was my friend, and I wanted to help her. But while I was in Florida, that favor and my friendship was taken advantage of. As of today, I have cut all business ties with my agent and Layla. And have also severed my friendship with Ms. Hendricks.”

Janet and I sit in silence for several long seconds. Now that I have said my part—gotten the falsehoods of my engagement to Layla off my chest and told the world I am in love with someone else—relief rushes through my veins. A weight that has anchored me in place for years instantly lightens. With such a simple action, I feel a hundred pounds lighter. Now, I need to repair things between me and Cora. And with my level of determination, I will fix us.

“Wow, Gavin. I’m not even sure where to begin. If you don’t mind sharing with us, what happened in Florida that sparked this dramatic change? Other than seeing this mystery woman.”

I hadn’t been given permission to mention Cora’s name, so keeping her anonymity is vital. Although, Hollywood will figure out who she is eventually. But until that day arrives, my lips remain sealed.

“Janet, there aren’t adequate words to explain what seeing this woman did to me. It’s as if my heart started beating again.” At my words, Janet and a few of the female crewmembers swoon. The visual adds a smile to my face. “When I was younger, I didn’t have a say in my family moving to California. But now, I make all my decisions. And that’s why I have chosen to move back to Florida.”

Saying the words aloud, announcing them to millions of viewers, sets my pulse to a wild gallop beneath my sternum. But after seeing Cora, after being in the same space as her for a week, there is no possible chance of me staying away. Not anymore. Cora is everything I always wanted. A breath of fresh air. The only person to soothe and satiate my soul. Moving back to Florida is something I should have done years ago. For too long, the flashing lights and starry eyes distracted me. But I have no doubts this is the right choice. Cora has always been the right choice.

“Well, Gavin. I’m not sure I know what else to say. California will miss you. I will miss you,” she says, smiling wide.

“You haven’t seen the last of me, Janet. I’m not leaving the industry. Just making some personal changes. But you’ll still get to glance at my pretty face,” I tease.

“Whew. That’s good news. I’m not sure how my life would continue if I didn’t see you around the city.” She pauses, reaching across the space between us and resting her hand on mine. “Thank you for sitting with me today. It was wonderful to see you. Keep us posted on how things go with this mystery woman.”

“Will do, Janet. Thank you for having me.”

As Janet says her parting words into the camera, I review all the things I need to do in my mental checklist.

Fire Alyson. Check.

Give Layla the boot. Check.

Review my new agent’s contract. Still need to do.

Call Micah. Still need to do.

Deal with the house. Work in progress.

As I walk off the stage, my phone dings in my pocket. When I retrieve it, there is a message from the realtor I contacted yesterday. Her timing couldn’t be more perfect. And I take it as a sign everything will work out as planned. At least that is what I hope.

“Of course, you can stay with me, man. I’d never leave you on the streets. When do you think you’ll get here?” Micah asks.

Not sure why I was worried, but I am so relieved he said yes to me staying at his place until I buy a new house. Micah and I have known each other almost twenty years, but I had my doubts about him agreeing to let me stay. He may be my best and longtime friend, but how he acted around Cora while I was in Florida had me antsy to hear his response. The fact he said yes alleviates another concern.

“Maybe in the next few days or so. The house is under contract and I’ll know more tomorrow or the next day. Is it cool if I ship some boxes and my car to your place?”

“Sure thing. Whatever you need. Mi casa es su casa. Just let me know when they’ll be here, so I’m home when they arrive.”

The sale of my California house is moving much quicker than anticipated. And I took it as yet another sign. The cosmos are rooting for me—for me and Cora. The stars aligning invigorates me, has me doing things at maximum speed. If the forward momentum continues at this pace, I will be back in Florida within a week. Hopefully sooner. Fixing things with Cora can’t happen fast enough. Being with her again, especially.

Tags: Persephone Autumn Click Duet Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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