Owned by a Sinner (Sinners 2) - Page 62

“She got promoted,” I tell him, then wanting to give them some time alone to celebrate, I return to the desk.

Will has to practically carry Denise to the kitchen where they’ll have privacy.

Today’s a good day.

I grin at Declan again, and this time he has a smirk on his face. “He’s gettin’ lucky tonight.”

“Dude, seriously?” I scowl at him. “That’s where your mind went?”

“That’s where my mind lives,” he mutters, returning his attention to scanning the sidewalk.

With residual excitement still bubbling in my chest, I get back to work, wanting to stay ahead of the load, especially now that I’ll be working reception alone for a while.

Ten minutes later, Will walks across the lobby’s floor, a broad smile on his face, his hair mused.

When Denise appears, fidgeting with her dress, I let out a burst of laughter.

“Scratch that, someone just got lucky,” Declan mutters.


Luckily, Denise doesn’t hear what Declan said. She sits down, trying to look all professional, but the moment her eyes lock with mine, a smile stretches over her face, and she slumps back in her chair. “Don’t say a word.”

“My lips are sealed.” I wag my eyebrows at her.

She shoves playfully at my shoulder. “Stop.”

“Uh-hmm.” I get back to work, the atmosphere in the lobby so light and happy, nothing can ruin it.

When it’s time for lunch, I get up and ask, “Want me to grab you something from the deli?”

Denise shakes her head. “I’m too happy to eat.” Every couple of minutes, I catch her reading her promotion letter.

I grab my bag from the bottom drawer, and tucking my phone inside, I wait for Declan before leaving the building. Waylon and the other guards fall in behind us as we walk the short distance to the deli.

Suddenly Declan comments, “You’re really happy for her.”

I glance up at him. “Of course. She’s my friend.”

“You’re good people, Kiara.”

It’s almost time to go home, and I’m counting down the minutes.

Damn, I’ve never been this excited for the day to end.

I just want to enjoy dinner with Liam, curl against his side, and watch boring news with him.

Denise starts packing up her things, then glances at me. “You’ll be okay alone down here?”

“Yes, besides, you’re just a call away.”

I take hold of my phone, and checking my messages, I see two.

I open the one from Mom.

Miss you. Are we getting together for lunch or dinner soon?

I quickly type out a response.

Saturday? We can go to the Navy Pier and grab something to eat there?

Mom responds immediately.

It’s a date xxx

The corner of my mouth lifts as I exit the chat and open the other text.

Your apartment.

Frowning, I wonder if the owner of the building sent the message. There’s a video. I press play, thinking it might be a presentation of some sorts of repairs that will be made.

It’s about time.

The footage begins, showing my living room, then moving to my bedroom. Whoever made the recording goes to my dresser, and opening a drawer, he takes my underwear out, throwing it on the bed.

What the hell?

‘So, this is the dump you live in?’

I know that voice.

Ice spreads through my veins, my heart instantly thumping heavily in my chest.

The camera turns, then I’m hit with the sickening sight of Finn’s erection. He strokes himself.

Bile churns in my stomach, the shock shuddering through me as my breaths come shallow and fast.

‘Liam can’t protect you from me. I’m going to fuck you so good.’

Flashes of that Friday night hit hard, mixing with the current shock, creating a chaotic mess of my emotions.

“What are you watching?” Denise asks, leaning closer to see.

I sit frozen in horror as Finn ejaculates over my underwear and bed, groaning, ‘Kiara. Kiara. Kiara.’

Denise grabs the device from my hands, switching it off. “God, that’s disgusting!”

The punches.

The groping.

The bites.

His hand between my legs.

Her arm wraps around me. “Kiara?” My breaths keep coming faster, the trauma rushing back full force. “Shit, Declan, help!”

“What’s wrong?” I hear him ask, then everything becomes too much to bear, and a sob breaks free.

Darting up, I run for the emergency stairs, and rush up them until I’m breathless and sobbing.

“Kiara!” Declan shouts behind me, but I don’t stop until I burst into Liam’s office.

“Baby?” he shoots out of his chair and only has time to open his arms before I slam into him.

I’m safe.

His arms wrap around me, giving me the cocoon of safety I need so I can try to calm down. Clinging to Liam, I struggle to regain control and force the tears back.

“What the fuck happened?” he snaps angrily.

“I don’t know,” Declan answers.

“Shit… need… air,” Denise gasps from running after me. “Video from Finn. Disgusting shit,” she explains. “Masturbating.”

The panic and fear start to retreat, but I press as close to Liam as I can get. “Don’t let go,” I whisper, breathing through the emotions.

Tags: Michelle Heard Sinners Dark
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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