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Maverick and Mistletoe (Hell's Handlers MC 10.50)

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The speaker pulled a knife as the other three formed a wide circle around Mav. “Ain’t no fucking pedophile.”

His blood ran cold as he placed the voice. The fucking biker from a few nights ago. The one Scott sliced across the face. At least he had a vulnerable spot to aim. Still, it was four on one, and Stephanie would be walking outside at any moment.

Fuck, she better do the smart thing and call for help instead of jumping into the fray. He couldn’t be held accountable for his actions if one of the fuckers put a hand on his wife.

The goons tightened the circle around him. “Seriously, guys,” he said, working to keep his voice light and worry-free. “I’m all for an orgy, but don’t you think we need a little more pussy?”

The guy directly behind him grunted. “Don’t worry, we got one in mind.”

Shit. Stephanie. His big fucking mouth walked him right into that one.

Time to fucking fight his way out. Mav punched straight forward with the heel of his hand, catching the asshole right in the nose. He let out an unnatural shriek and doubled over.

Before Mav had time to turn, the man behind him grabbed him and wrenched his arms behind his back in an unbreakable hold.


Mav kicked out, catching the tallest man in his hip, but he kept coming.

A brutal fist to the gut had Mav sagging and coughing just as another punch caught him under the chin. His neck wrenched back, and the ruthless force of the hit caused his teeth to clamp over his tongue.

He spat a wad of blood at one of his attackers, who only laughed when it splattered across his chest.

The van’s driver’s side door opened, and a fifth masked fucker came lumbering out. He slung a fucking crowbar over his shoulder like a lumberjack heading into the forest to split wood.

Fuck, this was gonna hurt.

“Go inside, make sure the other two got the wife,” he ordered.

Mav didn’t give a fuck what the hell they did to him, but he’d die before letting them lay a hand on Stephanie.

He let out a feral scream and fought the hold of the mammoth brute with all he fucking had. If he couldn’t escape, the least he could do was attract enough attention to have these assholes running before they got their fat hands on Stephanie. “Don’t you fucking touch her.”

“For fuck’s sake,” the man holding him yelled as Mav kicked his shins, smashed his head back, and wrenched his body in every way possible. “Take him out before he breaks my nose.”

The man with the crowbar laughed. “I’m kinda enjoying this.”

“You put one finger on her, and I’ll feed you your fucking balls, asshole,” Mav snarled as he continued to fight.

The man’s laugh grew ugly. “I’ll do whatever the fuck I want to your slut, and you won’t be able to do a goddamn thing about it.”

The crowbar crashed into Mav’s knee, sending excruciating pain through his whole body. He clenched his teeth to keep from screaming in agony as the guy holding him let him crumple to the ground.

Panting, he tried to work up the strength to continue fighting, but he couldn’t climb to his feet for shit.

Get the fuck up. For Stephanie.

The guy laughed. “What? No more threats?”

“Gonna choke you on your own dick,” Mav managed as he pushed himself to all fours. His left leg screamed with every movement, and the pressure of the ground on his injured knee had him battling a wave of nausea.

“Yeah, I don’t think so,” the guy said as he lifted his booted foot and kicked straight out.

The last thing Mav thought before the lights went out was how much this would kill Stephanie.


STEPHANIE GRINNED AT her reflection in the tiny, two-stall restroom. A deliriously happy woman stared back at her. A woman who knew she was loved and had complete confidence in that love. When she and Mav first got together, she was asked numerous times if his inability to commit in the past worried her. He’d been the ultimate ladies’ man, never sticking with one woman for more than a night or two. Or sometimes a few hours.

But, no, she never feared he’d stray or get bored with her. Mav showed her every day in a million little ways how very much he loved and cherished her. And she loved him just as fiercely.

Man, she was looking forward to this vacation. A combination of holiday and anniversary celebrations. They’d gotten married on New Year’s Eve a few years back, which only made the Christmas season more special for them. And this year, their Christmas would be epic.

She held her hand under the automated towel dispenser and then ripped off the itty-bitty paper towel that the machine fed out. “Why is it always like this?” she murmured as she waved her hand for another towel.

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