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Mafia Daddy's Second Chance

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Pop! Pop! Pop!

Fighting back the pain, I rushed through the alleyways, hearing the sounds of rival men shouting, no doubt looking for me as much as I was hiding from them. My gun rested in my good hand, desperately trying to ignore the throbbing in my injured arm. Having been separated from my men, I knew that these bastards were after me. I grumbled in annoyance, leaning back against the brick wall, hiding in the shadows.

Hearing the sounds of footfalls rushing past the alleyway opening, I held my breath, making sure not to make a single noise. I didn’t want to draw the attention of the police, knowing that would just cause even more problems, and I disdained to have more blood on my hands. When it comes to destroying the police, it would cause too much attention.

Hearing the footsteps coming back, I glanced over, seeing that there was a door slightly cracked open that would lead into an apartment complex. I moved through the alley, slipping through the crack in the door, managing to shut it as I saw lights of flashlights turn down the alleyway.

I released a deep breath, leaning against the wooden door. I pressed my hand against my abdomen, feeling the searing pain washing through my body. Lifting my hand, I saw the red blood that stained my hand, feeling that my shirt was soaked in blood as well. Sons of bitches, I bitterly thought to myself, limping up the staircase, going to try and find an abandoned apartment where I could settle and wait to get a hold of my men and get the blood stopped.

“Um, are you okay?” I heard a sweet, melodic voice speak to me.

I froze, quickly concealing my gun as I looked up, seeing the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. She was dressed in a large t-shirt that made me want to kill whatever man that shirt belonged to, and the booty shorts that barely concealed anything. They were almost like panties. She was much shorter than me, maybe five-four, but she has legs for days. Her long, wavy brown hair was a little messy, and her vibrant green eyes were looking me up and down, eyeing the blood on me.

“Ran into a little bit of trouble.” I muttered, trying to come up with some kind of excuse, “it’s nothing I can’t handle.”

She looked a little suspicious, but I could see the worry in her eyes, “well, that’s a lot of blood, sir. Should I call an ambulance?”

Even though I was in a lot of pain, I couldn’t stop the grin that passed across my lips, “Nah, I’m okay. It’s just a little scratch.”

I could feel the daddy dom inside of me clawing to be released, gazing up at her with this growing need inside of me. I haven’t had a Little in so long, the last girl had screwed me over, and it made me not want to trust anyone else ever again. But, I wanted to have this girl… it didn’t matter what.

“Would you like to come in?” She asked me sweetly, turning the key in the lock, “I’m a nurse at the local hospital so I always keep a first aid kit at the apartment in case of an emergency.”

I thought it was quite wrong of her to just let me into her apartment, a grown-ass man even though I was quite injured, which could be dangerous to her if I was a bad man. I guess to others, I am a bad man. I kill people, I inflict pain, I run the biggest Mafia gang but I don’t want to show her that.

“Thank you.” I told her, trying to act like I wasn’t hurt too bad as I brushed past her, comparing the big height difference, “it’s very noble of you to help someone you have never met before. What if I was the bad guy, beautiful?”

It slipped past my tongue before I could stop myself, the endearment, but she didn’t seem to care as she walked past me, opening up a cabinet door, “I have three older brothers, so I know how to handle myself. And by the looks of you, I don’t think that you’ll be hard to deal with.”

She motioned me to sit down at a chair at this tiny table, seeing how it was a perfect fit for her little apartment. I knew this wasn’t a good side of town, so it made me a little irritated to think that she was going to be living in such a bad area, but maybe if I could convince her to be my Little, maybe she would be able to come live with me at my mansion.

She opened up the first aid kit, getting out the things she was going to need. My arm and abdomen were still burning, and I knew I needed to get home to my physician, but I couldn’t help but just want to stay. I wanted to get to know her a little more and see what kind of person she was. What more could I ask for?

“Can you take off your shirt or do you think that’ll be too much of a hassle?” She asked me, pulling out a pair of scissors, “if you don’t think you can do it, I can easily cut the shirt off and then get you a new one later. My brothers always leave their clothes here, so I’m sure you should fit comfortably into one of theirs.”

Although I didn’t want to wear one of her brother’s shirts, I felt like this could make her closer to me, “I don’t think I’ll be able to raise my arms high enough to take my shirt off. You might just have to cut it.”

Slightly nodding her head, she walked forward, grabbing the sticky cloth of my shirt as she peeled it back away from my skin, trying to be as gentle as possible. I held in a wince of pain as she pulled at the dried blood around my wounds, feeling the tender area feel like it was about to rip open once more.

“I’m sorry.” She told me softly, the snipping sounds of the scissors filling my eardrums as she cut off my shirt, “I know it hurts so I’m being as gentle as possible.”

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