The Things I Do for You (The Alexanders 2) - Page 45

She smiled at her sister and then linked arms with her husband. “Well then, here we go.”

* * * * *

NICK HADN’T FIGURED on leaving the house until that afternoon when the wedding was supposed to start. He quickly realized the error of his ways when Raina had woken him up early. Apparently, as Jackson’s best man, he was supposed to keep his brother out of the way while she helped Ridley get ready.

He’d never been a big fan of weddings except, like most single men, as a way to pick up women, so the complicated goings-on involved in planning one were way over his head. Maybe it was a guy thing or maybe just because he’d eloped, but he couldn’t understand what they needed to do that would take all damn morning.

Bennett and Elliott had met them at their parents’ house and the four brothers had played poker and shared stories about growing up. They’d joked that they were going to gamble away Jackson’s last hours as a free man. His brother had taken their teasing in stride and looked as happy as Nick had ever seen him.

He hadn’t shown any nerves until he was in his tuxedo and they’d had to leave him to meet up with the bridesmaids. That was when Nick had been happy he and Raina had eloped.

But now as he watched his brother and Ridley dance in the grass in his parents’ backyard, he could sort of see what all the fuss was about. His brother had said his vows in a clear, sure voice. Nick had found himself mouthing the words, then looked over to see Raina watching him. It was a powerful thing to declare your lifelong commitment to someone in front of everyone you knew.

Ridley looked beautiful and was wearing makeup, something she rarely did. He looked down at Raina, swaying in his arms. They looked much more alike now, even though Raina had done her makeup in a much more understated fashion than usual.

“Do you regret that we didn’t do this?” He was terrified she’d say yes but wanted to hear her answer nonetheless. It was an increasing need of his to make sure she had everything she wanted. To make her happy and keep her that way.

“No, not really. Even though it was so beautiful to watch them up there saying their vows, I kind of like how crazy our wedding was. Imagine the stories we’re going to be able to tell our kids!” She grinned up at him. “We’re going to be those embarrassing parents. I can’t wait.”

Nick laughed along with her. “I’m definitely planning on being embarrassing. That dad who tries to learn all the latest dances and talk in the newest slang.”

“I bet you’ll be the dad that the other kids think is cool.” She was quiet for a moment and then said, “I can’t wait, Nick. More than that, I’m really glad I’m going on this journey with you.”

He leaned down and nuzzled her neck, mindful of all the relatives watching them.

“Whatever my cousin is telling you, it’s all lies.”

Nick looked up at the words drawled in a familiar deep voice. His cousin Grant was standing at the edges of the dance floor nursing a drink. Knowing his cousin, it was nonalcoholic. He was a doctor and was usually talking some nonsense about how his “body was a temple.”

Nick considered his body to be a temple, too, as long as it was a temple that allowed drinking, dancing, and having a good time.

“Oh, is that right? According to who?” Raina raised her eyebrow and looked up at Nick. He tried to dance them in the other direction but Raina had already turned toward his cousin. Nick sighed.

The last time he’d seen Grant had been at Jackson’s house for Memorial Day. The only time he ever saw his West Haven cousins was at Jackson’s house since they weren’t on speaking terms with anyone else.

Grant stuck out his hand and Raina pulled back to accept it. Nick kept a firm hold on her waist so she was forced to turn within the circle of his arms.

“Grant Alexander. Dr. Grant Alexander. And you must be the bride’s twin sister.”

Raina looked back at Nick uncertainly. “That’s right. Raina Winters. Well, Raina Winters Alexander, now.”

Grant, in the process of taking a sip of his drink, spluttered in surprise. He looked at Nick in shock. “You got married?”

“Nice seeing you too, Grant. Always a pleasure.” Nick held Raina closer and danced her away a few feet.

“How many cousins do you have?” Raina asked. “Every time I turn around, there are more of you. So, how is he related to you? Is he Maria’s son?”


shook his head. “No, that’s Langston. He lives in California. Grant is one of my Uncle Stewart’s kids. We don’t really see them that often.”

“Oh. Okay,” Raina replied. He could tell she wanted to ask him more about it so he was glad when the music changed to something slightly more up-tempo. He twirled her around. She suddenly clutched at his shoulders.

“Raina, are you okay?”

She blinked a few times. “I just got dizzy all of a sudden. I think I need to sit for a minute.”

Nick led her off the dance floor. Before they could get to their table, she slumped against him. He swung her up in his arms.

Tags: M. Malone The Alexanders Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024