The Things I Do for You (The Alexanders 2) - Page 68

Ridley sat gingerly on the edge of Raina’s hospital bed. After her embarrassing fainting incident, she’d been examined by one of the emergency doctors on call. They’d drawn blood and were running tests. But they’d already determined that she was severely dehydrated. They’d hooked her up to an IV bag of fluids to try to get her electrolytes back in the normal range.

Apparently all the throwing up she’d been doing wasn’t normal. But at least it didn’t seem to have hurt the baby. That was all she was holding on to at the moment.

“I know. This is getting to be a habit. One I will be happy to break.” She poked at the tube in her arm. It was positioned so that no matter how she moved, it tugged at her skin and made her uncomfortable.

It was truly a cruel twist of fate for her to have so many medical issues considering how much she hated hospitals. They were just harbingers of germs. Whose bright idea was it anyway to put all the sick people in the same place? She felt like she was going to be permanently contaminated by the time the doctor returned to release her.

Or at least she could only hope he would release her. She stopped messing with the tube in her arm. If whatever was in that bag could help her get better faster, then she was all for it.

“I’m just glad Matt was there. I hate to think what could have happened if he hadn’t found you.” Ridley’s voice brought her out of her daydreaming.

“I know. Can you go check and see if he’s still here? I want to say thank you.” Raina also wanted to apologize for being difficult. He’d only been trying to help her and she was pretty sure she’d snapped at him.

Ridley left briefly and Raina used the time to close her eyes and rest her head. It was nice to finally understand why she was so tired. She’d figured it was just part of being pregnant. It had made her feel incredibly guilty because after all the time, stress, and worry that had gone into getting pregnant, she’d expected to enjoy it. To be glowing and healthy and excited.

Instead she’d just been barfing and miserable and sick.

At least there was something she could do now that would hopefully make her feel better.

Ridley came back in the room, Nick trailing behind her. As soon as he saw her, he pushed past Ridley and strode to the side of the bed.

“I came as soon as I got Matt’s message. What happened? Are you okay?” He turned to Ridley. “Is she okay?”

“They said she’s dehydrated. She’s going to be just fine after she gets some vitamins and nutrients in her.” Ridley leaned over the side of the bed and kissed Raina on the forehead. “Now that I know you’re in good hands, I’m going to give the rest of the family a call and let them know you’re okay.”

“Thanks, Ridley. I should have called on the way here but I wasn’t even thinking.” Nick took the seat next to her bed. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t here sooner.”

“Where were you, Nick?”

“I went to get a soda from the vending machine and then I was in the conference room waiting for Matt. I didn’t realize I lef

t my phone on my desk. I waited for him to come back for about fifteen minutes before I went back to my office. Kay finally found me.”

“I was so scared something was wrong with the baby,” she admitted finally, giving voice to the fears she hadn’t wanted to say aloud.

“Did the doctors say the baby was in any danger?” He placed a hand over her abdomen.

She wasn’t showing at all yet and hadn’t gained any weight. She’d actually lost weight. It was no wonder, considering she hadn’t held down a full meal in over a month.

“Everything seems to be fine. The doctor is going to come back in a while to give me the results of the blood work. I think they’re going to give me something to help with the nausea, too. I feel like such an idiot. Dr. Waters told me to report any problems I had, but I just thought throwing up was part of being pregnant. I hope I haven’t starved our baby.”

“It’s not your fault, Raina. You couldn’t know what’s normal or not. At least we’ll know something soon.” His phone beeped and he pulled it out. “I wonder if this is Mom. Once everyone hears what happened, you’ll probably have more visitors than you really want.”

Raina ran a hand over her hair self-consciously. “Why is it that when people most want to visit you is also the time when you look your worst?”

“You look beautiful.”

“Nick, I want to tell you something.”

Nick put his phone down and pulled his chair closer.

“I love you,” she whispered. “I’m tired of dancing around it and not being brave enough to say it. You’ve always been honest with me, even when it wasn’t easy for you. How can I be any less brave for you? So, I love you. I love you so much.”

He looked like he was in shock by the end of her little speech. His mouth fell open and he let out a little cough.

“You’re going to make me cry in public, you know that?” He laughed softly.

She leaned to the edge of the hospital bed so she could be as close to him as possible. He leaned against the metal frame and pressed his forehead to hers.

Tags: M. Malone The Alexanders Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024