He's the Man (The Alexanders 3) - Page 30

Penny crossed her legs and experienced a uniquely feminine thrill when Matt’s eyes followed the motion. She’d left her sweater back at the office, so once she shrugged out of her coat, her arms were bare and brushed up against him enticingly when she moved.

“How did you know about the threesome? Do guys really talk about that kind of stuff?”

He gave her a look. “We don’t have sleepovers and braid each other’s hair if that’s what you mean, but yeah, we talk.” He faced forward. “Plus, who do you think they asked to be their third?”

Penny swallowed wrong and then dissolved into a coughing fit that drew the attention of the entire bar. She held a napkin over her mouth, trying to muffle the sounds of her hacking while Matt watched her with knowing eyes.

She couldn’t even imagine being in bed with Matt and someone else. Matt was enough to have her synapses misfiring all by himself.

“So what did you fight with your sister about?” It was a struggle to feign nonchalance after her humiliating fit of spluttering, but she was determined to try.

“Before my first deployment, I gave my sister some money. Okay, it was a lot of money.”

“Well, that was generous of you.”

“Her fiancé, Trent, doesn’t agree. He thinks she should pay me back. He doesn’t want them to owe me so much. But I don’t see it as a debt. It’s a gift. I just wanted to give my sister a gift and make her life a little easier. It doesn’t come with strings attached.”

“I know that. If it was anyone else, I wouldn’t believe that, but it’s you. Taking care of people is what you do. It’s who you are.”

Matt accepted his drink with a nod for the bartender. He took a sip and regarded Penny over the glass. “Sometimes I feel like you can see straight through me. That may not always be a good thing.”

“You’re like a relic from another era, Matt Simmons. A time when people meant what they said, did what they should, and people looked out for each other. That’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

“You’d be surprised.”

“Well, you know how some people feel about relics. They either want to collect them and put them on a shelf or they stick them in a museum. I just want to make sure neither happens to you. That’s why I’ve been pushing you so hard.”

“Am I going to recover? Really?” He put his glass down and looked at her until she met his eyes. “If I’m always going to have weakness in my shoulder, I’d rather just hear it straight. You can tell me the truth. I can take it.”

“I believe you can take just about anything, Sergeant.” Her lips tipped up at the corners at his glower. “It’s my professional opinion that you’re going to be just fine. I wasn’t sure about you in the beginning, but your healing has been amazing these past few weeks. You’re very lucky.”

“I am.” Matt leaned close enough so that she couldn’t mistake his meaning. “Very lucky.”

Penny blushed and choked on the sip of water she’d just taken. “So, we should probably get out of here. Are you ready?”

“For anything.”


MATT HELD THE door for Penny and then held out his arm to escort her across the street. She glanced behind her once and then tucked her hand into the crook of his elbow. Most of the other homes had a light burning out front. Eli’s house was the only one that was completely dark. He’d forgotten to leave the front light on.

“Nice place.”

“Wish I could take the credit. This is my friend’s house. I’m just staying here until I’m done with therapy.”

“Oh right. I forgot.” Penny laughed softly.

They climbed the steps to the porch. Matt paused in front of the closed front door. “I had fun tonight.”

“Me too. I had a good time, too.” Penny looked up at him from beneath her lashes. She hopped from one foot to the other, then glanced at the front door. “I guess I should go. It’s pretty late. I’ll be a zombie tomorrow.”

“Right. Thanks for hanging out with me for a few hours. I hope I didn’t keep you from anything important.”

Penny fiddled with her keys, swinging them around on the keychain a few times. “No, you didn’t. There’s nothing waiting for me at home. No one waiting for me.”

If she hadn’t looked so dejected then maybe he could have let her walk away. But when she looked at him like that, her gorgeous blue eyes swimming with sadness and vulnerability, he was powerless to stop himself for reaching out for her.

Matt slid a hand under her hair and pulled her forward slowly. When they were only a breath apart, he rested his forehead against hers. They stood like that for a few moments, their breath mingling in the cold air.

Tags: M. Malone The Alexanders Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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