He's the Man (The Alexanders 3) - Page 42

PENNY CURLED INTO the cradle of Matt’s body, her bottom snugged up against his incredible washboard abs. Matt rolled over so he was propped on his right arm. Now that she had free rein to touch him, the first thing she’d done was trail her fingers over the ridges under his bronze skin. He was like one of those perfectly carved marble statues in museums.

Except for one thing. She glanced down and then back up at him in surprise. He was erect again.

“Do you want to come home with me next weekend? I’m leaving on Saturday. I know Mara would love to see you again.”

Penny rolled away to face the wall. “I don’t know if that’s such a good idea. Won’t she get the wrong idea about us?”

She could feel him tense behind her. This is why you don’t bring guys home, Penny. People have expectations that sex leads to more sex or a relationship. Neither of which you are ready for.

“I guess I have the wrong idea about us myself.” Matt rolled over and sat up, the bed sinking beneath his weight.

“Matt, I just don’t think we should get too deep here. This is already stretching the boundaries of ethics. You’re my patient.”

Penny turned her head to see him stepping into his boxers. He dropped out of view and then stood, holding his tee shirt. When he turned toward her, she almost sighed at the sight of his bare chest. The man was perfectly chiseled. He yanked the shirt over his head, knocking his hair askew.

“Oh, bullshit. We’ve known each other for years. Your co-workers never treat their friends or family?”

“Well, yes. They do, but not people they—”

“What? People they what?”

Penny closed her eyes. “You know what I mean. People they’ve slept with. I seriously doubt my boss has ever brought a one-night stand into the office for treatment.”

“Is that what I am? A one-night stand?”

Penny wasn’t sure how to answer. The term didn’t sit right with her. It made it sound like she’d picked up a guy she didn’t know in a bar. Well, she’d picked up Matt and they had been to a bar before, but she knew him. He definitely knew her.

“Don’t answer that. The look on your face says it all.” He bent to pull on his jeans. “I should have known you didn’t go for the dumb-jock type.”

Stunned by the quiet vitriol in his voice, Penny got up on her knees. “Matt, what are you talking about?”

He continued speaking as if he hadn’t heard her. “Even when we were younger, you were smart. You always had your nose in a book.”

She put her hand on his arm and squeezed. “You are smart and you’re any girl’s type. I just don’t date military guys. I’m not made for that life. I did it growing up and promised myself that as soon as I had a choice, I was putting down roots somewhere. No more moving around. It’s not a good idea for us to spend too much time together because we’ll start to get attached. What would be the point? You’ll finish therapy and be going back home soon.”

“I understand. So, what happens now? We just chalk this up to a mistake?”

“It’s not a mistake unless we make it one. We’re both adults. We have amazing chemistry, and it was probably inevitable that we’d give in to it eventually. It doesn’t have to be any more complicated than that. We can enjoy a fun night without it getting serious, right? Let’s just enjoy it. We can go back to being all business tomorrow.”

“A fun night. That’s all you want?” Matt asked skeptically.

“Yeah. And the night’s not over.” She trailed a finger down his chest until it snagged on the top of his jeans. “It was definitely fun. Okay, I’m lying. It w

as mind-blowing.”

He stared at her for a long time before his lips curled up at the edges. “Mind-blowing, huh? I can do better than that.”

* * * * *

THERE WASN’T A single man alive who hadn’t found himself naked, in bed with a woman, and trying to figure out how to get rid of her. So it was a surprise to Matt to find himself on the receiving end.

“I have a really early day tomorrow, so I’d better start getting ready for bed.” Penny yawned and stretched her arms overhead. The sheet slipped, revealing the tip of one plump breast. Matt’s attention remained fixed there until she got up.

“Wait, what? Where are you going?” He reached across the bed and grabbed her wrist, pulling her back into the bed. With a laugh, she tumbled on top of him. Her curves pressed against him and he filled his hands with warm, soft, curvy woman.

“I need to start getting myself ready for tomorrow. I think I’m going to turn in early.”

Awkward silence descended between them when Matt finally understood what she was saying. She wanted to get ready for bed.

Tags: M. Malone The Alexanders Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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