He's the Man (The Alexanders 3) - Page 73

“I’m so sorry, baby. That was a tough situation, and I’m grateful to be back here with you. Thoughts of you were all that kept me sane.” Matt stood and Penny followed. “I think it’s time to go home and get some rest.”

Mara gave him another careful hug. Then promptly dissolved into tears again. Trent led her out with a gentle hand at her elbow.

After another round of hugs, Matt turned back to Penny. “You ready to go, baby?”

She nodded. “Yeah. Let’s go home.”

* * * * *

PENNY HELD THE door open for Matt, aching for him when she saw how slowly he was moving. He had to be in serious pain, but he didn’t utter a word of complaint. She was trying to hold it together for him. Getting hysterical wouldn’t help him, so she just followed him to the bedroom quietly.

When he took off his shirt, she couldn’t hold in her cry. There was a fist-sized bruise on his ribs that was almost black.

“That’s where he shot me. If I hadn’t been wearing Kevlar, I’d be dead right now.”

“It didn’t stop it completely though. I always thought those vests made you invincible or something.”

He shook his head. “No, unfortunately not. As you can see, all that force still leaves its mark. It feels like being punched by a superhero.”

He climbed into bed and settled himself on his back with a loud groan. Penny crawled in on the other side of the bed. “I’m so glad you’re all right. I love you so much. All I could think all day was that I might not get the chance to tell you.”

There was no reply, so Penny looked over at his side of the bed. He was fast asleep, breathing through his mouth. He normally didn’t snore, but he was making sounds like a freight train.

The most overwhelming sense of love came over her. The sight of him, sleeping safe and sound in his own bed, was the best thing she’d ever seen. She propped herself up on her arm and just watched him. There was nothing in particular she was looking at, she was just grateful for the chance to look at him.

She would never take it for granted again.

Ten minutes later, Matt woke with a jolt. When he saw that she was awake, he grimaced and tried to sit up. He paled and sagged back against the pillow. “Penny? What are you doing still awake? You have to drive back home tomorrow, don’t you?” He tried to push her back down to the pillow. “Go to sleep, woman!”

Penny giggled. “I am home, you crazy man. I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be.”

He watched her curiously. “I got shot tonight so I’m not firing on all cylinders, but I don’t get it.”

“I had this idea that military life represented danger and civilian life was safe. But the truth is they both have their challenges. There’s no easy route guaranteed to end in happiness. Any day could be your last, no matter how safe you think you are. I was so worried about doing things the right way. Now I’m just grateful we get to do them at all. I love you, Matt. I’ll love you all my life.”

He raised a hand and brushed it against the back of her cheek. “I love you, too. So much. I really wish I could hug you right now, but I’m not sure I can move.”

Penny laughed softly and leaned over to kiss him. “Well, I’ll come to you then.” His lips opened under hers and she breathed in his scent. “Oh yeah, and I quit my job.” At his surprised look, she laughed out loud and kissed him again.

It turned out that home was knowing Matt was coming back to her, wherever she was. Home was having the right to brush his dark hair off his brow and to kiss the stress line that always formed on his forehead.

He wasn’t a fairy-tale prince, but he was the only man she’d ever wanted to come home to. The only man who had ever mattered.

He’s the man I’m meant for.


A few weeks later.

MATT HELD OPEN the door to Jackson’s patio and waited as a stream of children raced by. There were Jackson’s two boys, their cousins Annabelle and Isabelle, and then a few more he wasn’t sure he’d seen before. Jackson came out of the kitchen, holding a tray of cookies.

“Is it my imagination or did some of these kids come out of thin air?”

Jackson shrugged. “You know how Mom is, she invites the whole church. It’s my house and I have no idea who’s here either.” He offered the tray to Matt.

“Did Ridley make these?” Matt snagged one off the tray and took a bite. They were still w


Tags: M. Malone The Alexanders Romance
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