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One More Chance (The Alexanders 6.50)

Page 13

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“Well, that doesn't sound that difficult.”

“Oh, you'd think it would be easy. Just lean in and smooch but you have to be smooth with it. You have to read the signals.”

Bennett sighed. “And you lost me again. Why can't the signal be when she says I'd really like it if you'd kiss me now? That would be so much easier.”

Katie put her hand over her mouth to smother her laughter. Looking at things from his perspective, it was kind of odd that there were all these unspoken rules about something that should be instinctive but it was impossible to ignore that the rules existed, whether they were official or not. She remembered the first time Don had kissed her. It was a little bittersweet to remember it now, being so young and naive that she'd required so little to feel cherished. But all she'd wanted was to feel like someone saw her as special.

"The rules seem annoying, I know, but it all comes back to one thing. You want to make sure that she's as into it as you are. And everyone isn't good at articulating what they're feeling. So you have to be able to read the signs. Body language."

"So, if I can learn to read body language then I'll know what to do?"

"Most of the time, yes."

"Well, if I could learn German then I should be able to learn this."

Katie laughed softly. "I still can’t believe you know all those languages. Is there anything you can’t do?"

His face fell. "I think we've established that there are quite a few things that I can't do."

In that moment, Katie suddenly understood what a monumental mistake she’d made. This whole thing was so wrong and she was swamped with shame for her part in it.

“I made a mistake agreeing to this.”

“To what? This date? Why?”

Bennett looked slightly hurt so she grabbed his hand before he could pull away.

“Because by agreeing to teach you, I'm participating in the idea that you need to change somehow. That you need to be different for a woman to like you. And that's not true. Bennett, you have everything you need already. You already have the most important thing. This, right here."

She pressed her hand into the center of his chest, relishing the strong, steady beat thumping beneath her palm.

"You have the biggest heart. The way you love your family and care about everyone around you, even your former employees, proves that. You don't need to change a thing. I think you're perfect the way you are."

Without her knowledge, her hand had roamed over his chest, feeling the hard muscles beneath.

“I think you’re perfect, too.” Bennett’s eyes were intense on hers before he looked down. He seemed mesmerized by the motion of her hand. Katie knew she should stop; she was practically pawing him but he felt so good.

“This is the most fun I’ve had in a really long time. I think you are beautiful and fun and I wake up every day excited now because I know you’ll be there.”

“Bennett,” she whispered, completely stunned by his heartfelt words.

“I’m trying really hard to be a gentleman but since you don’t seem to mind honesty, it’s been hard to concentrate on anything tonight when all I wanted to do was peel this dress off and show you just how much I’ve learned about multiple orgasms over the years.”

Katie’s mouth fell open. Of all the things she’d expected him to say, that didn’t even rate. Now she had the image of Bennett studying the Kama Sutra in order to learn the best way to please a woman. Considering how seriously he took education, she had no doubt that he’d been as diligent studying the mystery of the female body as he was with anything else.

And she wanted nothing more than to experience everything he’d learned firsthand.

The hand she’d placed on his chest stopped moving. She clenched his shirt between her fingers, feeling his muscles flex beneath her touch. Then she took a deep breath and made her decision.

“Bennett, I'd really like it if you'd kiss me now.”

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