Say You Will (The Alexanders 5) - Page 5

It was a tradition that she'd started with her brother after he'd mentioned how much Penny missed her family. They had dinner with the Alexanders regularly which was how Mara had gotten the idea to do their own family dinner night. Even if their parents weren't local, there wasn't anything to stop her from hosting a small dinner of her own each week. Plus, it gave her the opportunity to do something she loved more than almost anything else.


"Hey, do you need any help?" Trent poked his head around the door to the kitchen. His blond hair was sticking up on top. He must be having a hard time with whatever he was working on. He always yanked at the top lock of his hair when he was frustrated. Mara thought it was adorable.

"No, I've got it. Finish your work."

"Okay. Thanks. I'll be done in just a few. Then we can talk wedding dates and stuff. Did you ever decide about who you're going to ask to be your maid of honor?"

Her good mood fell slightly. "Nope. I'm going to have to make a decision soon though. If we're serious about doing this within the next year,"

"And we are," Trent interrupted with a dark look that thrilled her. It was an unbelievable comfort to be marrying a man who wasn't running from commitment but instead seemed to embrace it.

"Then I need to make sure that my whole wedding party has the date and is available for it. You have to do the same thing."

He shrugged. "I already know my wedding party. Matt will be my best man. Jackson, Nick and my older brother James will be groomsmen. Easy." At her scowl, he wisely retreated back down the hallway to finish his work.

She hummed as she finished basting the lamb chops all over and placed the heavy dish in the oven. The entire kitchen was filled with the fragrant smell of the rice pilaf simmering on the stove. She lifted the lid and stirred it, noting the consistency.

Trent's casual mention of his brother had her thinking about his family. Trent had both a brother and a sister, she knew. It had seemed odd to her that they didn't have more contact at the beginning of their relationship but over time she'd accepted that Trent simply wasn't that close to his family.

Her relationship with Matt was different than most other siblings. It wasn't often that she went long without talking to her brother. And now that Penny was a part of his life, it was like she'd gained a sister. They were constantly on the phone talking and laughing and making plans for the weekend.

Trent seemed to only talk to his family on holidays. She wasn't trying to judge but their relationship seemed so cold.

A staccato knock on the front door pulled her from her thoughts. After checking her pilaf one last time she put the lid on the pan and ran to open the door.

"You're here!" She hugged Penny and held the door open so that they could come in. Matt shrugged out of his coat and handed her one of the long baguette loaves that she loved so much.

"It was the last one they had. You're lucky I got it."

"I am lucky." She hugged him, perhaps a bit longer than usual, because he immediately pulled back and stared at her with eyes that saw too much.

"Are you okay, sis?"

She pulled the bread tighter against her chest inhaling the soft, doughy smell. "Of course I am. Just hungry."

They followed her back to the kitchen.

"What can I do to help?" Penny asked. "I'm no gourmand like you, but I can make a mean salad. Just ask your brother." She gave Matt a look that Mara was sure she wasn't meant to see.

"Okay, okay, you two keep the lovey-dovey to a PG level, please?" Trent teased.

"Hey man, what's going on?" Matt stood and extended a hand. They clasped hands in the strange and complicated blend of handshake, fist bump and side-hug that men seemed to do so seamlessly. Penny was greeted with a kiss on the cheek.

"Not much. The

usual work crap. What about you? Any interesting cases lately?"

Her brother had been working for Eli Alexander for quite a while now and always had entertaining stories. He guarded everyone from entertainers to politicians even a local chef who'd gotten threats while competing on a national television show. Mara had begged endlessly for him to introduce her to the handsome chef. Not that she'd do anything, of course, but the man was just dreamy. And his pumpkin risotto recipe had made her a fan for life.

"Not much. I'm probably going to be traveling more lately which is kind of a bummer."

"Which is a total bummer," Penny interjected. "But we've got our routine down now. We do video chats and text when we can." She turned to Trent. "You travel a lot for work too, right?"

Mara's hand paused on the handle of the pan of rice, desperately interested in Trent's answer. It was one thing to read stuff into their interactions when they were alone but she was pretty good at deciphering body language in other people's conversations.

Matt leaned over, breaking her concentration. "Hey sis, give me a knife and I'll start slicing this bread."

Tags: M. Malone The Alexanders Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024