Say You Will (The Alexanders 5) - Page 48

He chuckled at her excitement. "We're almost there, baby."

She turned to him, a bright smile on her face. It warmed him through to see her so happy.

They waited as the crew led her parents off the plane. Mara opened the door of the limousine before the driver could open it for her.

"Mom! Dad! I'm so glad you're here." Mara's words were cut off as her mother enveloped her into a big hug.

Carolina Simmons was an older version of Mara, slim and breathtakingly beautiful. Trent realized that if Mara took after her mother over the years then he had no hope of his obsession with her lessening as time passed.

Mara's father, George Simmons, stuck out his hand as the two women embraced behind them. "It's wonderful to see you again, Trent. Thank you so much for bringing us up on such short notice. My wife has been talking of nothing else since you suggested it."

Carolina stood on tiptoe to kiss Trent's cheek. "Thank you so much for flying us here. Your plane is wonderful. I've never flown so comfortably."

"Anytime. We're thrilled you're here to spend some time with us."

Mara squealed when her father ruffled her hair. She grabbed him around the waist. "Looking good, Daddy. Have you lost weight?"

He groaned and looked over at Carolina. "Your mother has put me on a diet."

"Your doctor has put you on a diet. You have high blood pressure."

George looked at Trent wryly. "I can't imagine why."

"Oh hush," Carolina teased. "I am just looking out for you. What will I do if you aren't here to take care of me?"

For some reason the words seemed to make Mara sad. Trent wouldn't have noticed if he hadn't been looking at her right then because she immediately squared her shoulders and pasted on a bright smile. What was that about?

He made a mental note to ask her about it later. But they had to get on the road if they wanted to beat the traffic.

"The driver has already transferred your luggage from the plane so we can head back. My parents are meeting us at our place tonight for dinner."

Carolina nodded. "Excellent. Then we can talk about the most important thing."

"What's that?" he asked.

"Your wedding, of course. I'm thinking perhaps we need to think a little bigger."

As Carolina ducked into the limo, Mara sent him a look of abject horror before she got in, too.

* * * * *

MARA SCRUTINIZED THE neat row of julienned carrots before her and the ingredients she'd lined up on the counter. She preferred to keep things simple with vegetables so she was planning to do a quick sauté in an onion and butter reduction.

"Mom, is the grated orange peel ready?"

A little citrus would add just a hint of spring to the vegetables without overpowering their natural sweetness. The zesty julienned carrot salad would go well with the spicy beef flanks she was preparing for dinner.

Carolina handed over the bowl of orange zest she'd just finished grating. "What are you planning for the main course? I should have probably warned you that your father is supposed to be watching his salt."

"I already made some plain marinated chicken breasts for Dad since I know he has to watch what he eats."

"I'm so glad you remembered. Your father will probably wish you had forgotten though. The bland food has been difficult for him to adjust to."

Mara laughed. "I bet it has. It was no trouble. I can use the leftovers for salad toppings tomorrow. Besides, I'll sneak him a little bit of the beef flanks. A little won't hurt, right?"

"I don't think so. His problem is mainly stress. I thought when he retired things would be better but now he has started taking consulting jobs. I think he's bored."

"I can understand. Even though I'm enjoying having this time to cook and do things I normally don't get to do, I also feel a little lost. Before I was so busy but I felt like I had a purpose. Now, I don't know."

Tags: M. Malone The Alexanders Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024