Say You Will (The Alexanders 5) - Page 50

While Mara was bringing out the food, Trent uncorked the red wine his mother had brought, a South African Bordeaux blend. He circled the table, filling glasses for those who wanted it. When he got to his father, he stopped. Were you allowed to drink after having a heart attack?

"Dad, can you have wine now? Dad?"

His father was staring at Mara, puttering around in the kitchen. His brow furrowed. "She looks so familiar," he muttered.

Trent followed his father's gaze. Mara stood in the kitchen, her hair bundled up high on her head as she arranged food on another plate. The hairstyle made her look younger.

Much younger.

Oh no. Trent sucked in a sudden sharp breath. His grip on the wine bottle tightened as he turned back to his father. "Wine?" he asked loudly.

James turned around and looked up at him, startled. "What was that?"

He held up the bottle in question and at his father's nod of assent, filled it halfway.

Mara brought the last plate and put it down in front of her father. Then she sat down to his right and squeezed his hand on top of the table. The bun on top of her head wasn't secured with a band, so he tugged at it until her long hair unwound and cascaded over her shoulders. As he ran his fingers through the long strands, her cheeks pinkened.

"You always have a thing for my hair. Behave yourself," she whispered indulgently. Then she turned to the rest of the table. "Dinner is served, everyone. Please enjoy."

"This looks fabulous, mija. You've truly outdone yourself this time." Carolina cut into her steak and took a delicate bite.

"It really does look amazing, baby. Thank you." Trent cut into his own food but before he could take a bite, his father dropped his fork and started coughing.

"Dad, are you okay?"

His father was slowly turning red, his cheeks distending slightly as he coughed. He took a long drink from his wine glass. "It's just a little spicier than I expected." He promptly dissolved into another choking fit.

"James! Are you having another heart attack?" His mother jumped up from her seat and stood at his father's elbow.

Trent took a tentative bite of his own food. It was definitely a little spicier than usual but nothing he couldn't handle.

James cleared his throat and took another sip of wine. "No, it's fine. I was just taken off guard."

Mara looked horrified. "I'm so sorry. I should have made something more bland. I have more of the plain chicken breast."

Antonia sat down again and took a bite of her own steak. "Oh dear. Perhaps you shouldn't eat this, James. You just got out of the hospital. This might be a bit much for you so soon."

Mara leaned over to Trent. "This is awful. And things were going so well."

Suddenly Carolina spoke up. "Spicy food is good for a man. It's an aphrodisiac."

The entire table went still. Matt snickered. Trent had to take another bite of food to smother his own grin. Mara was constantly lamenting her mother's blunt ways but Trent found it funny more often than not.

Mara just covered her face with her hands. "Mom!"

"Don't look so shocked," Carolina chided. "These children think they know everything about love. They forget our generation did it all first. And still does. They should take advice from their elders as we were taught to do. Isn't that right, Antonia? You have a strong, virile man too. I'm sure you know about what it takes to keep a man happy."

"Oh god, make it stop," Mara moaned from behind her hands. "Mom, I'm sure Mrs. Townsend doesn't want to talk about her private life!" To Trent's father, she said, "I'll just go to the kitchen to get you another plate, sir."

To everyone at the table's surprise, Antonia picked up her own wineglass and said, "Actually, I agree. We definitely know what it takes to keep a man happy. These young girls these days have no idea."

Trent's mouth fell open. Then he turned to Mara. "If you're going to the kitchen, then I'm coming too. Or maybe we should just leave the penthouse completely. I can always buy another one."

At his comment, Penny giggled before clamping a hand over her mouth. Her blue eyes sparkled as she looked across the table at Matt, who shrugged.

"Family dinners, Simmons-style. Trust me this isn't as bad as they can get." Matt looked at his mother sitting next to him who was busy blowing George a kiss.

Mara laughed, a high-pitched nervous sound. "I beg to differ. This is pretty bad, I think."

Tags: M. Malone The Alexanders Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024