Say You Will (The Alexanders 5) - Page 78

Matt clenched his fists. “You didn’t see her when she came back here. You didn’t see what this did to her.”

“No, but I saw what it did to me. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. I’m not asking for forgiveness for that. There’s nothing I could ever do that would make up for it.”

“She’s finally doing better.” Matt said it like it was a challenge. Trent understood what he was really saying.

She’s doing better and you being here could screw that up.

“I just need to see her. One last time. But for once, I want it to be right. I want it to be somewhere she feels comfortable. A place where she can walk away if she wants to.”

“If she walks away, are you going to let her?” Matt demanded. “Or are you going to try to convince her to come back? Because I think she’s had enough of people trying to push her into doing things their way.”

“The only thing I want to do is introduce myself to her. The new me. I’d like to think this is the new and improved version. Anything that happens after that is up to her.”

Matt’s face relaxed. “As usual, I don’t agree with any of this but you two are going to do whatever the hell you want anyway.”

“So, you’ll help me?”

Matt grunted and gestured toward the living room. “Come on. If you’re going to see her today, then we don’t have much time.”

Chapter Twenty-Two

SOME THINGS CHANGED but there were some things that never would, Mara thought as she entered the office to hear Ethan yelling. A few seconds later a young girl with glasses and long, platinum blond hair came marching out. She wiped tears away as she ran past Mara.

“That bastard,” she mumbled under her breath as she passed. Mara sighed and entered Ethan’s office. He looked up when she entered, his face set in the same disgruntled expression she remembered.

“Stop scaring them off. I agreed to help you train the new girl, not to help you hire a new one. Is being nice really that hard?”

His grumpy expression softened slightly. “Yes. I need someone who can take a few harsh words without falling apart. This is a rough world.”

“Believe me, I know. But I also know that you are not nearly as gruff as you’d like everyone to believe.”

“You’re mistaken,” he insisted.

“I’m not. You’ve been found out. Now if we can just get you to admit it.”

There was a knock on the door. They both turned. The young man in the doorway looked at Ethan. “I’m sorry to interrupt, sir but I need to borrow your former assistant for a moment. Urgent legal matter.”

She thought she saw Ethan’s lips twitch. “Get out of here, both of you. Some of us have work to do.”

Mara walked out of the office and grinned at her friend. “Danny! I’m so glad you’re here.”

He pulled her into a hug. When she’d first started at the firm, Danny had been one of the first people to welcome her aboard and show her around. Even though his father was one of the partners, he’d started as a junior associate just like anyone else and worked his way up. Luckily he’d inherited his father’s brilliant legal mind so he was advancing quickly. It gave her a small pang to think that she might not be around to see him get the promotion he so richly deserved.

“I just wanted to say hello.”

“I’m glad you did. I’ve missed talking to you.”

“Everyone around here has missed you, too. Don’t be a stranger, okay?” He tapped her nose and walked off.

When she turned around, Lanie stood next to her old desk. When she saw her, she raised her hand in an awkward wave. “Hey, Mara. I heard you were back.”

“Yeah, just on a temporary basis. Until I can train Ethan to talk like a human being instead of grunting and shouting.”

“I heard that!” Ethan yelled from his office.

Lanie paled and backed away.

Mara closed Ethan’s office door and rolled her eyes. “He’s getting better at least.”

Tags: M. Malone The Alexanders Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024